Taal’s latest excellent adventure
“I was wearing navy combats — they look like blue pyjamas — and there were cameras everywhere,” Taal recalled. “I jumped up right away, and so did someone else. He beat me by half a second.”
19951 Lee Taal Read the article
Green Technology Inspiration
What is your invention?
” It is a combination of the use of wind energy with solar energy. Wind energy is the main source of power and solar augments it.”
M0488 Dawn Ottman Read the article
Some readers might be interested to learn that 10588 Wayne R. Mac Culloch, CD, B.Eng., M.Sc., P.Eng met Their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge June, 30th at the wreath-laying ceremony at the National War Memorial. During the brief chat,Wayne tried to steer remarks toward the other peacekeeper in his company, former RMC Director of Cadets, Col (Retd) John Gardam, OMM, MSM, CD, and a driving force behind the creation and construction of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the National Peacekeeping Monument.
Wayne can personally confirm that Prince William’s interest in others is wonderfully genuine and a blessing to all who meet both him and his bride Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge.
DiManno: Afghan mission is Canada’s pride
“I wear a regimental patch but this is the Canadian flag on my shoulder,’’
18254 Michel-Henri St-Louis Read the article
DiManno: Leaving is hard to do, even in Afghanistan
“If it was up to me? One day, if I’m in a position to make those types of calls, we can talk.’’
18254 Michel-Henri St-Louis Read the article
Garrison sees change of command
“Definitely mixed emotions. It’s probably the best job I’ve ever had, without a doubt. And I’m going to a staff job where I don’t get to fly, I don’t get to interact with the troops the same way,”
18903 Jeff Smyth Read the article
New Garrison commander ‘thrilled’ with new job
“I am somewhat in awe of the appointment I’m taking on here, because it’s a really special relationship that Edmonton, the city, the broader community and the province of Alberta . have established with the military here,”
18404 John Reiffenstein Read the article
Australian troops keen but tired in Afghanistan
“You do watch for signs of fatigue, you watch people to see if their tempers are fraying, you look around the camp and if it starts to become a little bit untidy around the edges, you start to get a sense that the guys are starting to get a little bit tired,”
Canada paid Germans $6M for Cold War base cleanup
“I’m not kidding. Because they found out we had like two species of butterflies that were no longer known to exist in that part of southern Germany. Because the base was a protected space that wasn’t sprayed with chemicals, the butterflies thrived.
“All that to say, they found areas where there were underground pipelines that dated back to the Second World War that had leaked. And so these damages were assessed.”
11236 Norbert Cyr Read the article