Appointments to Royal Military College Saint-Jean Board of Governors
Nominations au Conseil des gouverneurs du Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean
The Honourable Peter Gordon MacKay, Minister of National Defence and
Minister of the Atlantic Opportunities Agency, announced on Feb. 28,
2008 nine ministerial appointments to the Royal Military College
(RMC) Saint-Jean Board of Governors. Included in the nine (Ex cadets) are:
Chair 4377 LGen (Ret’d) Richard J Evraire CMM, CD (CMR RMC 1959);
8612 MGen (Ret’d) Richard SR Bastien OMM, MSM, CD (CMR RMC 1971);
16392 Captain (ret’d) Elinor Sloan PhD (RMC 1988); and
9548 Lieutenant Colonel (ret’d) Rémi JL Landry OMM CD (CMR 1973)