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27 Nov 52

This evening proved to be one of the most interesting this year. The Governor Gen. arrived at the College at noon and spent the afternoon around, sat in on a few classes even. We had a bar set up in the New Gym and had an ale before the mess dinner for the 4th yrs and staff. The RCAF band played dinner music and livened up the meal considerably.

The G.G.’s lecture was the best we’ve heard yet I think. It was on “Education & the Officer”. One remark which struck me was “Training is like a groove which becomes a rut of which education can make a channel.”

After the lecture, our class attended a reception in the gym, shook hands with the little guy and I for one got into several very interesting conversations with some of the staff. That kind of get-together is all too rare around here.

29 Nov 52

The basketball season opened with the first league game against Queen’s. We lost 60-41 or some such score. It was a slow, poor game. Queen’s as usual kept us shooting foul shots all night and slowed the game to a walk. After the game, Barry, Dave Winter & Neil MacLean & myself came out to the College for a very enjoyable informal dance. #1 Sqn. won the intersqn swim meet. Eddy Dumalo won the 220x 440x & 75x!
