









Photo submitted by 16598 Scott Stevenson, RRMC 1988


  1. Doug Cope 6611 on May 9, 2022 at 4:52 pm

    OK we can identify the ladies from the men but otherwise one has to realize how much we all looked alike in uniform in the days of yore. And we were doing largely the same things and in similar photos.
    Ergo, we need dates on these photos plus the college .
    Who cares if the dates are wrong?
    It will give us something to comment on and argue over.
    I therefore ask you to please add dates and colleges to the next set of photos even if you have to guess.
    For anyone who sends in photos try to add college and date to the photos

  2. Scott Stevenson on May 9, 2022 at 9:59 pm

    The Band photo in the “Golden Oldies” section looks like it is from Royal Roads in 1985/86. The reviewing officer is (then) Capt (N) Ed Murray (Commander of the Ship Repair Unit (Pacific)), and the Comdt is Capt (N) Tony Goode.

    Cadet Band Officer Kurt Salchert is accompanying the reviewing party. The bass drum player is my classmate , Theo Heuthorst (we were second years then). I played the tuba that year, but am not in the photo (obviously).

    The others in the photo are Kim Reid, Sue Flight and S. Andrec.

  3. Dave Mowat 12215 on May 10, 2022 at 11:25 am

    The first photo is from 1975. That is our CSTO Pat Sweetnam, along with fellow Pontiac 3 Sqn recruits Ed Karkut, Russ Parker, Terry Wood, and Glen Mackay. The obstacle race photo is also from 1975. That is Richard Summers and Craig Wood from 4 Sqn. The Athletic Department photo is from 1977/78, and the Flying Club photo from 1978/79

  4. George on May 10, 2022 at 12:58 pm

    Pictures/ without year is dumb . #3461 Jackson

    • RMC Alumni on May 10, 2022 at 1:50 pm

      Good Afternoon George,

      Our Golden Oldies Editor no longer has access to the physical yearbooks since his posting to NS in 2020. He is working off of previous issues that were posted in order to still provide the Golden Oldies section. Since there were some negative comments on incorrect dates in this section, we thought that we would have our Alumni tell us what the dates/names/events were in the pictures.
      Thank you for your feedback.
      eVeritas, Editorial Team

      • David Hall on May 12, 2022 at 10:25 am

        To the Editorial Team,

        Given the “negative” press of recent events surrounding Vance – which hurts their entire Milcol family, a “negative comment on incorrect dates” pales in comparison. Just do your best…. maybe “circa 1980” or something. And if someone is truly stressed at an incorrect caption, rest assured that there are those of us who appreciate all the hard work you are doing to put together EVeritas. It is appreciated.

        • David Hall on May 12, 2022 at 10:26 am

          …. which hurts THE entire…. (sorry)

  5. 11564 Doug (Shag) Southen on May 15, 2022 at 5:26 pm

    well said, Dave.


  6. 11564 Doug (Shag) Southen on May 15, 2022 at 5:28 pm

    PS) That is a GREAT photo of Pat Sweetnam, whom I admire greatly, and the 3 Sqn rooks, but it has now been published at least 3 times, maybe 4, possibly 5. Dave Mowat would know for sure (I think)


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