Above Photo: RMC 1970

RMC 1955

RMC 1968

CMR 1971

RMC 1981

RMC 1998

RMC 2002

RMC 1959

CMR 1963

RRMC 1977

RMC 1987

RMC 1997

RMC 1923

RRMC 1967

RMC 1971

RMC 1987

RMC 1996 (Class of 1961)
Bottom picture is the RMC Class of 1961 at its 35th reunion at RMC in 1996. Great group!
On the last photo – The year was 1996 but the class is 1961. The occasion: 35th anniversary of graduation from RMC. This year is our 60th.
Every photo carries meaning and memories of great friends and great times. I am ever grateful for the time I spent with these people.
Are you certain that the photo of the RMC Football Team is from 1948. There are several names that I recognize as being pre-war; e.g. Carr-Harris and Vokes. Uniforms and civilian clothes look more like 1920s.
Agree with Stowe, one of the cadets in the photo is the father of the late Don MacCaul (class of ’56).
Wrestling RMC 1968. Al Leonard taught me how to fly helicopters at Portage-la-Prairie spring 1975.