
Parents and Family Reflect on The Graduates Journey Both Ways through the Memorial Arch!

Having the unique opportunity to speak to some of the families who have supported the many officer cadets at the Royal Military College, I have the unparalleled delight of bringing their words to the pages of E-Veritas as they reflect on the long journey their loved ones have taken and still have ahead of them.


The Family of 2Lt Josh Behnish:

Q: How would you describe the journey as his family supporting him?

Rick Behnish: It’s been a bit of a double edged sword because he’s all grown up and he’s goping tobe moving away farther but we’re so glad that he’s succeeding.

Marie Behnish: Nobody is prouder than this grandma.


The Family of 2Lt Gregory Wagner-Conserve:

Q: Qu’avez-vous ressenti pendant la parade de graduation?

Patrick: On est content pour lui, vraiment.

James: Oui, je suis content pour lui… Puis on est avec lui. C’est son choix. Puis on l’a beaucoup encouragé et aidé.

Q: Avez-vous hâte à la cérémonie d’aujourd’hui?

Patrick: J’adore les cérémonies militaires. Avoir grandi un peu dedans… j’adore ça.

Q: Étiez-vous présent lors de la cérémonie de remise des insignes en première année?

Patrick: Non, c’est ma première fois ici.


The Family of 2Lt Ryan McCall:

Q: How do you feel right now standing at the Arch with your son about to march through?

Wanda McCall: I feel immense pride, it’s a family tradition. My husband here graduated in 1988 and it’s with great pride that we have two sons at RMC, one graduating this year and one graduating in two years.

Q: How has it been a journey for you as parents?

Warren McCall: It’s been lonely at first, Ryan has been gone now for four years and Danny left two years ago, so we’ve been on our own. But I think the fact that they were accepted and are attending a College such as Royal Military College, it’s an incredible place to attend. We’re so happy for them and we’ve been very happy with the results and we wish them the best. I have to echo Wanda’s statements that the pride is the biggest feeling we have. We’re proud of both of our sons, more so for Ryan, graduating this year and becoming a junior officer and we look forward to him doing really well with a military career.


The Family of 2Lt Taylor Donovan:

Q: How did it feel seeing your son at convocation after four long years?

Maureen Donovan: Pretty emotional and very proud.

Jim Donovan: I’ve been here a few times and it’s an amazing achievement. We’re from Nova Scotia, Halifax and he was a cadet for six years before he came to RMC. You’ll notice that he’s the best looking cadet on parade!


The Family of 2Lt Stephanie Paquette:

Q: How are you feeling after seeing your daughter march through the arch?

Giselle Prescott: We’re very proud of our daughter.

Daniel Paquette: It’s amazing. We’ve seen the ups and downs and she’s made it so we’re really happy for her.

Q: How has it been a journey supporting your daughter as a parent?

Daniel Paquette: She’s our oldest daughter and the first one leaving home. That was the first struggle. And just seeing that she found her environment, she found a place where she was completed. She was surrounded by folks as motivated and driven from her and she went from there.

Q: How are you feeling as a graduate?

Stephanie Paquette: I’m really happy for myself and all my friends too who all went through the arch and are moving on to bigger projects.


The Family of 2Lt Matthew Swan:

Q: How did it feel at convocation, seeing your son graduating?

Brad Swan: It was great. I’m very proud of him.

Tracey Swan: We’re very excited.


The Family of 2Lt Olivia Frank:

Q: How did you like watching graduation parade?

Tim Frank: That was a real plus, we’ve followed her for four years and it was a fantastic way to cap it off.

Q: How would you describe the journey as the family?

Tim Frank: She has done all the heavy lifting, we’ve just been there to pick up the pieces when needed and prop her up. She’s done really well and we’re extremely proud of her. Her grandfather was a real old timer at RMC, what you call a low badge number, the first navy class of Royal Roads in the early 40s. He’s struck out on everybody until now so it was his last shot getting someone into this institution.

Kathleen Frank: I am very proud of my sister. Sometimes she would just call to talk and it’s nice to hear what’s going on but I don’t know much of anything so sometimes she says something and I need to ask her to clarify because I’m not military. But she’s been very accommodating that way.


More Family & friends related photos Here; Here

