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-19033 Major Nick Grimshaw (RRMC / RMC’93)
Top Story
-HMCS Toronto Preserving International Stability
Extra Innings
-Bill & Rolande off on R&R
What’s Happening At RMC
-Varsity Sports Teams Gearing Up
-RMC staff bonus trivia
-RMC Well Represented at the 2007 Nijmegen March.
-Lahr Reunion: 40th/ Legacy Dinner
-Which Commandant Was It?
-Who Coached This Champioship Football Team?
Where are they now? | Où sont-ils/elles?
-Former Royal Roads PERI Still Going Strong
Ex-Cadets in the News
-6349 Alain Pellerin (CMR/RMC ’65)
-13671 Jean-Guy Perron (RMC’82)
-16975 Omer Lavoie ( RMC’89)
-E1481 Charles Gardiner Ness RMC
-20838 Major Alex AT Ruff (RMC 1997)
Flashback | Rétrospective
-The other side of the “Boot Camp” coin.
Catching Up With the News | Se remettre au courant
-Ex Cadet A New Snowbird.
-Short Clip: Shake Hands with the Devil coming soon.
-Latest News from CDA.
We get emails | Nous recevons des courriels
-Ma Bell Ain’t What She Used To Be.
Thank you / merci