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Quotation | Citation
- Tony O consistently tests his inner limits;
Trivia | Bagatelle
Art & Bev tied the knot over 50 years ago;
Death Notices:
- 5053 Marcel Langlois (CMR RMC ’61),
- 10467 Daniel Pinard (CMR ’75), and
- Paul Dorion (former PERI);
Reunion Weekend – Next Week;
What’s Happening At RMC | Que se passe-t-il au CMR?
- Back to back wins for OCdt Matt Setlack;
- Otter – Small in Numbers But Big Part of RMC;
- Dr. Xiaohua Wu New Chair;
- Jobs, Jobs, Jobs @ RMC;
Catching Up With the News | Se remettre au courant
- Class of ’84 Moving Up the Ranks;
- 7771 Jim Leech (RRMC RMC ‘68) appointed President &CEO – OTPP;
Where are they now? | Où sont-ils/elles?
- 19894 Erin Michael O’Toole (RMC ’95) Back In Upper Canada;
Ex-Cadets in the News | Anciens dans les nouvelles
- 5418 Laurent B. Mondou, P. Eng. (CMR ’62) – Looking for $$$ partners;
Flashback | Rétrospective
- Interesting new book on CMR
- CDFAI – “Canada as the Emerging Energy Superpower: Testing the Case” – 29 October;
We get emails | Nous recevons des courriels
- RMC Coach & ’72 Olympic Cadet hopeful Meet Up 35 years later;
Extra Innings | Manches supplémentaires
- Toronto Branch to host the 2007 Leadership Dinner on Friday 23 November; and
Thank you | merci
- Victoria Edwards & Officer Cadet Kayne Carr Continue To Step Up Big.
And much, much more