
Otter Squadron Birth: Ryan Luciano and his wife Andrea Durfee welcomed baby Landon Charles Luciano to the world on October 16th @ 146 am. He weighted 9lbs even. Ryan is in second year, his Military Occupation Classification, 00345, Naval Combat Systems Eng. He is working on a degree in mechanical engineering. Landon is the couple’s first child.



RMC Club Organizing Trip to West Point 3 – 5 Feb 2012

Initial plans are underway to organize a Fan bus to West Point for the big game 4 Feb. Bus would depart RMC on the Friday morning (3 Feb) and scheduled to arrive back in Kingston on Sunday afternoon.

Depending on interest – package will include:

Bus fare; motel (2 nights) double occupancy; game ticket; post-game social (likely with the RMC team).

At this time exact price is not finalized but will likely be in the $250 – $300 range per person.

Those interested should contact RMC Club by e-mail [email protected]

Advance payment will be expected.

A go or no go decision will be made by 9 January.

Those seriously interested are advised to make contact early!


Le Club des CMR organise le voyage à West Point, du 3 au 5 février

Les plans préliminaires sont mis en motion afin d’organiser le voyage par autobus pour les amateurs de hockey le 4 février à West Point. Départ du CMR vendredi matin le 3 fév., retour à Kingston le dimanche aprè-midi.

D’après la participation – le tout comprendra:

Trajet par autobus; 2 nuits au motel, occupation double; billet pour la joute; rencontre après-joute (probablement avec l’équipe du CMR).

Pour le moment le prix n’est pas fixé mais sera probablement entre $250 et $300 la personne.

Les intéressés sont priés de contacter le Club des CMR par courriel au [email protected]

Les paiements seront dûs à l’avance.

La décision finale sera prise vers le 9 janvier.

Ceux qui sont sérieusement intéressés veuillez contacter le Club dès que possible.

In This Issue 44:

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We Will Remember: 11/11/11

RMC to grant honorary degrees to two outstanding individuals

Where Are They Now & More…

2011/12 Kilimanjaro Expedition Update


Physical Education Curriculum Keeping Fresh…

College Chief Warrant Officer: “if they see an old girl like me out there, they’ll know that if I can accomplish my goals, then so can they.”

Band Exchange @ USNA

Kingston Branch Dinner Packs Them In; “D” Division I Years Get a taste of a Mess Dinner

The Week That Was…

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

Careers | Carrières; Support our Realtor Partners; Merci / Thank You

I Year @ RMC, 1949 – Coggins asked us, “What would you do if you were swimming under water and you saw an officer?”

Deaths | Décès

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