OCdts. On Parade

The Spring 2010 issue of Veritas is now online and can be accessed from the Club website. Just follow the Veritas Online menu selection.

Direct link is:   http://www.veritas.rmcclub.ca/VeritasSpring2010/index.html

L’édition de Veritas, Printemps 2010, est maintenant en ligne. Vous pouvez y avoir accès par le site Web du Club.

Vous n’avez qu’à suivre la liste d’options de Veritas en ligne.

La ligne d’accès direct est: http://www.veritas.rmcclub.ca/VeritasSpring2010/index.html


The Royal Military Colleges Foundation is pleased to announce that their Winter 2010 Foundation report is now available online for your viewing convenience. A Direct Link to the English Version of the Winter 2010 Foundation report can be found by clicking the link below:


A Direct Link to the French version of the Winter 2010 Foundation Report can be found by clicking the link below:


Please feel free to use the RMC Foundation website to make your secure online donation at www.rmcclubfoundation.ca , or you can always call the RMC Foundation office at 613-541-6000 ext 6807 or toll free at 1-888-386-3762.


VICTORIA – Annual Luncheon for RMCC/CMRSJ Cadets Home on Christmas Leave

On Tuesday, 28 December 2010 the Vancouver Island Ex-Cadet Club will host its annual Christmas Luncheon for area RMC Cadets home on Christmas leave. The function will be held commencing 11:30PST at The Embassy Inn, 520 Menzies Street, Victoria, just opposite the Provincial Parliament buildings. There will be approximately a one hour “Meet and Greet” prior to the commencement of the buffet line at 12:30PST.

The Branch will be hosting not only Cadets home on leave, but their “significant others”, and their parents. In addition, on the basis of information we receive from local recruiting centres, we will be hosting persons who have expressed an interest in attending RMC.

The Embassy Inn provides free parking both in its ground-level parking lot and its large underground garage which can be accessed at the west end of the parking lot. The bar and dining area of The Embassy Inn are all on the ground floor level and are easily accessed from the parking lot front entrance to the Inn.

Rig o’ The Day – Scarlets if possible

The annual Christmas luncheon is an unparalleled opportunity for Cadets and their families to meet Ex-Cadets who are very interested in meeting them.

Please subscribe for this event, stating the names of those you will bring with you, at your earliest convenience to:

Willy Anderson

EMail [email protected]

Telephone 250-370-1590

3334 Dave Wightman

Secretary Treasurer

RMC Club Branch Christmas Functions – Edmonton; Hamilton; Calgary; Halifax

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