Ottawa Branch Golf – 13 July – Still Time to Register…
RRMC Memories…The 2012 Guard of Honour at Royal Roads
The CMR Class of 1992 is celebrating its 20 year reunion this September. All graduates of CMR from 1992 or CMR entry dates of 1987 (1988 if BA) are invited to join old friends at the CMR St-Jean campus the weekend of 7-9 September 2012. Information concerning the weekend’s activities will be published on the Facebook Group page called “CMR Grad 1992”. This active page already hosts more than 70 members and has been a focal point for sharing old photos. For more information, anyone can contact the co-coordinators, Julie Low ( or Christine Carignan (
La classe de 1992 du CMR célèbre son 20ieme au mois de septembre. Tous les gradués du CMR de 1992 où ceux qui sont rentrés au collège en 1987 (1988 pour les BA) sont invités à se rejoindre au Campus St-Jean pour la fin de semaine des anciens du 7-9 septembre 2012. L’information concernant l’horaire détaillé des activités de la fin de semaine se retrouvera bientôt sur la page de Groupe Facebook “CMR Grad 1992”. Cette page compte déjà 70 membres de notre année qui en profitent pour échanger des photos de ces belles années. Pour plus d’information, vous pouvez tous contacter les co-coordonatrices, Julie Low ( ou Christine Carignan (
We get emails
I was just looking through your recent issue and saw the photo labelled RMC Tug of War 1959. Someone identified the cadet in a white turtleneck as, possibly, Barry Winfield. I don’t recognise this guy, but the rest of the cadets are very familiar to me. Standing on the left is indeed Ralph Sykes. The first cadet on the rope is myself, Yvon Paquette, next is George McManus, then is Mel Brown, and the anchor could be Bob Billings, who recently passed away.
I have no recollection of the event. This photo comes as a happy surprise to me. There are no recruits here, as someone suggested. The cadets shown are all of the class that graduated in 1961.
I am sending this in case it should still be useful to properly label the photo.
4655 Yvon Paquette.
Ed: Thank you Yvon for the clarification.
To all the “old timers” out there who have made comments about cars being parked on the Parade Square these days – how do you explain this photo?
I don’t get to read all of the e-Veritas issues (but always enjoy those I do) so this may be redundant.
Reading about my classmate Len Lee in the most recent issue, I noticed the Director of the Kemptville campus is named Claude Naud, so I checked his bio on line and sure enough he is another ex-cadet. I don’t know his #/year of grad but as a young Lt/Air Navigator he served on my Argus maritime patrol crew in about ’72/’73, so he would have graduated from RMC about ’70-’72. I know he later went on to serve as Commandant of Royal Roads.
Just thought I’d let you know…if not already covered you might want to include him in a “Where are they now?” item.
5480 Gary Ferguson – RMC ’62