
Caption: Le 19 novembre dernier, certains élèves-officiers, ainsi que des membres du corps professoral, ont eu la chance de participer à une présentation du club de sciences et mathématiques.

Présentation du club de sciences et mathématique du 19 novembre

Une présentation ensoleillée

-un article écrit par l’Élève-Officier James Diamond

Le 19 novembre dernier, certains élèves-officiers, ainsi que des membres du corps professoral, ont eu la chance de participer à une présentation du club de sciences et mathématiques, à l’heure du diner. Cette présentation, donnée par le professeur de mathématiques du Collège Militaire royal de Saint-Jean, M. Frédéric Jetzer, avait comme sujet le Soleil, l’astre principal du système solaire.

Ce professeur nous a présenté, tout au long de la présentation d’environ 45 minutes, plusieurs caractéristiques importantes du Soleil telles que son diamètre, ses composantes ainsi que la distance par rapport à la Terre. En énonçant chaque caractéristique, M. Jetzer nous expliquait comment chaque caractéristique a été découverte ou par quelles techniques nous pouvions les déterminer. Cela a permis de donner des exemples d’applications de la théorie vue en classe par les élèves-officiers.

Ce genre de présentation de sujets divers de sciences et mathématiques peut arriver environ deux à trois fois par session. C’est évidemment un évènement qui n’est pas obligatoire, mais qui permet d’ajouter à la connaissance générale des auditeurs.



Taekwondo in Toronto!

An article by Officer Cadet O’Brien-Pickering

The Royal Military College Saint-Jean (RMC Saint-Jean) taekwondo team was in action on Friday the 15th and Saturday the 16th of November. 17 officer cadets took the long six hour bus ride from the RMC Saint-Jean to Toronto, Ontario. A taekwondo tournament was held at the Variety Village Athletic Center in Toronto, where the various levels of martial artists could compete for rank among their peers.

The team prepared themselves mentally the night before, and woke up ready to spar. Around noon the fighters made their way to the tournament and started to prepare for some intense combat where champions would be made. The fights were held in two rounds of one minute each. A referee was there to make sure the fighters followed the rules with a point counter to keep score. Even though the rounds were short, the extreme fighting made it a challenge for even the most athletic participants to not become exhausted. The fighters were paired up by their ranks so the fights were more or less even. If a fighter won a match they carried onto the next round and eventually to the finals were the best of each belt competed. Navel Cadet Victoria Glen and Officer Cadet Olivier Quevillon Charbonneau both won first place in their respective yellow belt divisions. After a long, hard day of fighting, the team left to celebrate their hard won victories in a team dinner.

This sports tournament was a team building experience. Navel Cadet Victoria Glen and Officer Cadet Olivier Quevillon Charbonneau struggled together, and some had even fought against each other. The countless hours of practice and tough training by the team’s coach, Darrell Henegan, prepared the officer cadets for the challenges that awaited them in the arena. Even though not all of the fighters won 1st place in their division, they all put up good fights that showed prime examples of RMC Saint-Jean sports training programs!

Photo1 (L) :Navel Cadet Victoria Glen practicing her kicks with Officer Cadet Rimah Shu, a foreign student from Senegal, during the warm-up hours. Rigorous practice and countless kicks like this led to victories for both of these women.

Photo2 (R): Officer Cadets Olivier Quevillon Charbonneau and Tristan Malo pose for the camera ready for a fight! Both of these cadets had impressive fights that led to victories.

Photo Credit: Officer Cadet O’Brien-Pickering

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