Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean





The structure of the crest is typical of Canadian military colleges, the one for Royal Military College Saint-Jean is distinguished by the torse’s colours and the gold maple leaves. This motto `Vérité Devoir Vaillance; Truth Duty Valour` is used by Canadian military colleges. The book in the centre of the shield on crossed swords indicates that the college is a teaching institution within a military mandate. The maple leaves and fleurs-de-lis symbolize Canada and Quebec. The blue and white colours echo those in the flag of Quebec. The blue field also signals that the predecessor college was originally administered by the Royal Canadian Air Force. The three mural crowns represent the military heritage of the site of the college (the first fort having been built in 1666), covering the French period, the British period, and the Canadian period.  Source français

Researched by: E3161 Victoria Edwards




Portes ouvertes au Collège militaire de Saint-Jean les 5 – 6 novembre

La population est invitée au Collège militaire royal de Saint Jean pour les journées portes ouvertes le 5 novembre de 13 h à 16 h et le 6 novembre de 13 h à 15 h.

Venez visiter le site du Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean et rencontrer le personnel dirigeant, les professeurs et les élèves-officiers. Ces derniers complètent leurs études collégiales en vue de poursuivre leurs études universitaires au Collège militaire royal du Canada à Kingston, Ontario et devenir par la suite officier des Forces canadiennes. Les visites débuteront à 13 h à l’édifice de Léry. Une visite guidée partira aux 15 minutes et la visite sera d’une durée approximative de 60 minutes. Le musée du Fort Saint-Jean sera ouvert.

Il y aura une cérémonie du jour du Souvenir le 6 novembre au Cénotaphe du parc Alcide-Côté à Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu à partir de 10 h 30.



Open House at Royal Military College Saint-Jean 5 & 6 November

The population is invited to the Royal Military College Saint-Jean Open House on Saturday 5 November from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m, and on Sunday 6 November from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Visit the Royal Military College Saint-Jean and meet the staff, professors and officer cadets. These officer cadets are completing their CEGEP studies in preparation to pursue their university studies at the Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario and become officers of the Canadian Forces. Tours will begin at 1 p.m. from the de Léry building. Guided tours will begin every 15 minutes and each tour will last approximately 60 minutes. The Fort Saint-Jean Museum will be open.

There will be a Remembrance Day ceremony on 6 November at the Cenotaph within Alcide-Côté Park in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu beginning at 10:30 a.m.


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