“The army taught me ownership of issues, public speaking and
debating, representation of situations, and analysis of competing
resolutions/reactions. I’m very critical of details, but experience
has taught me to amortize resolutions over milestones, gauge effort
and staffing, and focus on morale as a component of productivity.”
19548 Mr Allan M Clark (RRMC RMC ‘94)
Allan works as a Senior Software Architect [WG Lead] at the LiMo Foundation (Computer Software industry) in the Greater New York City Area since 2006. The LiMo Foundation is developing the Foundation Platform, a Linux-based, open mobile communication device software platform. He studied at Queen’s University, Royal Military College of Canada and Royal Roads Military College.
He has worked in crypto, IP issues, kernel modules (streamed and linux), embedded, POS, telephony, and military fighting vehicles.