
15582 Major Heather J Thorne-Albright (RMC 1986) Retirement 25 + Years of Dedicated Service (19 June, 1982 – 4 February, 2008)

Maj Heather Thorne-Albright joined the CF on 19 June 1982 in Toronto, Ontario. On completion of basiorc training at CFOCS Chilliwack she attended RMC in Kingston, graduating with first class honors in an Honors English Bachelor of Arts degree. Upon graduation and commissioning in 1986, she was posted to CFB Toronto as the Mobile Support Equipment Officer. From there, she got her first overseas tour as the Base Transportation Officer in CFB Gander. From there it was off to the 3 Air Movements Unit in Ottawa for 3 years, followed by a tour at Air Command Headquarters in Winnipeg. From there, it was back to Ottawa in 1995 where she has remained until today filling various jobs on the BMT, Special Assistant on the Defence Ministers’ Conference, National Fleet Manager or “Mother Trucker” for seven years and most recently as the Contract Coordination Cell Leader here in CMSG. She has been awarded the SSM, CD1, and the Peacekeeping Medal. Her husband David and 3 children Lauren, Cassie, and Mason just bought a new house in Orleans this summer and Heather has accepted employment as a Reservist with the Canadian Forces’ Liaison Council here in Ottawa. An All- Ranks Luncheon will be held in her honour on Tuesday January 29th at 1130 at the RCAF Officer’s mess, 158 Gloucester Street. Please contact Rebecca Pammett at 613- 996-5576 or via e mail at pammett.r@forces.gc.ca if you would like to attend or send congratulatory messages or anecdotes by 21 Jan 08. A nominal contribution of $20.00 will be required for the cost of the luncheon, gift and gratuities.”


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