
We are pleased to have received some two dozen applications for this opportunity from an excellent field of alumni from across Canada, and around the globe.  Over the next few weeks, our nominating committee will interview a shortlist of candidates selected based on how well their skills, experience and other aspects of their professional profile match the needs of the organization.  Based on the results of the interviews, five additional nominees are expected to be put forward.  If approved by the Board, these nominees would then be put forward for consideration for election by voting members at the Annual General Meeting in October.

Any person who attended a Canadian Military College in a degree granting program is eligible to be a member of the RMC Alumni Association, in accordance with our by-laws (available here).  “Voting members” are those who have paid for either an annual or life-membership.  If you are interested in having an influence on the future direction of your RMC Alumni Association, please consider paying for a membership.  More information on the AGM will be available in the coming weeks.


Nous sommes heureux d’avoir reçu quelque deux douzaines de candidatures pour cette opportunité d’un excellent groupe d’anciens et anciennes de partout au Canada et du monde entier.  Au cours des prochaines semaines, notre comité de nomination ferra des entrevues avec une liste restreinte de candidats sélectionnés en fonction de l’alignement de leurs compétences, de leur expérience et d’autres aspects de leur profil professionnel aux besoins de l’organisation.  Sur la base des résultats des entrevues, cinq candidats supplémentaires devraient être proposés.  S’ils sont approuvés par le conseil d’administration, ces candidats seraient alors proposés pour examen en vue d’une élection par les membres votants lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle en octobre.

Toute personne qui a fréquenté un Collège militaire canadien dans le cadre d’un programme menant à un grade est admissible à devenir membre de l’Association des anciens du CMR, conformément à nos règlements (disponibles ici, uniquement en anglais).  Les « membres votants » sont ceux qui ont payé pour une adhésion annuelle ou à vie.  Si vous souhaitez exercer une influence sur l’orientation future de votre association d’anciens élèves des CMR, veuillez envisager de payer une adhésion.  Plus d’informations sur l’AGA seront disponibles dans les semaines à venir.



  1. 3857 Richard N. Patterson on August 23, 2022 at 4:35 pm

    I am 3857 Richard (Dick) Patterson, PhD, PEng CD*** , Class of ’57. I live in Nova Scotia. I served 28 years in the RegF and another 14 in the ResF. I am still hugely interested in the health of RMC; (and sad that some young men were so immature; would made poor leaders). As an ROTP cadet (one of the very early ones) it was a pain often but I am so grateful for having been able to go there, otherwise, higher education would not be a possibility.

    I would like to help where I can, but perhaps your criteria is a little myopic. I graduated in 1957. RMC was not a degree granting institution at that time. We had to do one more yea at a degree granting institution, (I went to U of T with several others of my year, Why? It was nearest the girlfriend at that time. Mind you, RMC did later grant me a degree of Bachelor of Science

    Perhaps your criteria of “Any person who attended a Canadian Military College in a degree granting program is eligible” makes me ineligible?


    Kathryn and I will be at the Reunion, God willing.

    • RMC Alumni on August 29, 2022 at 8:01 am

      Hello Dick,
      A sincere thank you for your continuing interest, and for your questions on the board recruitment and on membership.
      On the membership definition in our bylaw, please don’t worry. You are a member. At the merger meeting, the membership criteria was revised to say “degree granting program at a CMC,” but existing members including those who attended before the Colleges were degree granting, are grandfathered. The bylaw aims to make the alumni association more inclusive, by bringing the graduate students and continuing studies students into our membership.
      For the board recruitment, we are still going through a transition following the merger. This is our first recruiting effort that draws from outside of the previous RMC Club or Foundation boards. We’re aiming to follow best practices for not-for-profit governance, including those published by CPA. The selection criteria in our poster reflect the needs of the organization today and looking forward, based on a skills matrix. As a registered charity that gives between $350 thousand to $750 thousand annually to the Canadian Military Colleges, and with more than $30 million in total assets under management, we are seeking to maintain a strong cadre of skills and experience in areas related to money. That said, we also recognize that our board needs to reflect the diversity of generations – and other aspects of diversity – of our membership. The poster for this opportunity reflects our desire to improve our connection with younger cohorts. Our poster also notes that we are continuing to look for volunteers to contribute on committees (e.g., alumni, fundraising, gifting, etc.). There are also volunteer opportunities in the branches and classes. We recognize that our membership is an incredible source of strength for the Association and for the Canadian Military Colleges. We will be recruiting again in future years and will aim to have representation from across the different generations in our membership.
      I hope these answers are helpful. Sincerely,
      J Scott Stevenson, 16598
      Chair – Governance & Nominating Committee
      Lead – RMCAA Response to IECR Report
      Royal Military Colleges of Canada Alumni Association

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