Since our 30 June statement, we have received nearly a hundred messages from individual alums, from classes and branches expressing their views on the Arbour report, particularly on the recommendations relating to the Canadian Military Colleges.
The main thrust of most responses has been offers of advice and assistance. Some responses shared personal experiences with us, including painful experiences. We are grateful for all of the responses we have received, including those that critiqued us for not being more forceful.
We recognize that there have been many reviews of the Canadian Military Colleges through their history. This upcoming review will be different.
The Canadian Military Colleges alumni network is an incredibly powerful source of talent, experience and expertise for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), for Canada, and globally. We will be engaging with our network in the coming weeks and months leading up to the review to explore some key questions, including:
- How best can we, the Royal Military Colleges of Canada Alumni Association, support survivors of sexual trauma?
- How best can we advocate for reforms at the Canadian Military Colleges to make them safer for everyone and more effective in their vocation of producing good leaders?
- How best can we support and enable needed changes to conduct and culture of the CAF?
We continue to welcome your feedback and your perspectives. You can reach our Arbour response team at: [email protected]
Le point sur les activités de l’Association des anciens étudiants et anciennes étudiantes des Collèges militaires royaux du Canada en réaction au rapport Arbour
Depuis notre déclaration du 30 juin, nous avons reçu près d’une centaine de messages d’ancien(ne)s, de promotions et de chapitres au sujet du rapport Arbour, en particulier sur les recommandations concernant les collèges militaires canadiens.
La plupart de ces messages contenaient des conseils et des offres d’assistance. Certains contenaient des témoignages, y compris des récits d’expériences douloureuses. Nous sommes reconnaissants pour toutes les réponses qui nous ont été envoyées, y compris celles nous reprochant de ne pas réagir avec assez d’ardeur.
Nous sommes conscients que depuis leur fondation, les collèges militaires canadiens ont fait l’objet de nombreux examens. Celui qui s’en vient sera différent.
Le réseau des ancien(ne)s des collèges militaires canadien est une source extrêmement puissante de talent, d’expérience et d’expertise pour les Forces armées canadiennes, le Canada et le reste du monde. Nous communiquerons avec les membres de ce réseau au cours des semaines et des mois précédant l’examen afin de trouver des réponses à plusieurs questions clés, comme :
- De quelle façon l’Association des anciens étudiants et anciennes étudiantes des CMR peut-elle mieux soutenir les survivants et survivantes de traumatismes sexuels?
- Quels moyens pouvons-nous promouvoir afin que des réformes soient mises en œuvre pour rendre les collèges militaires canadiens plus sûrs et plus aptes à réaliser leur mission de produire de bons dirigeants?
- Comment pouvons-nous contribuer à ce que les changements de comportement et de cultures nécessaires soient apportés au sein des Forces armées canadiennes?
Comme toujours, nous vous invitons à nous faire part de vos commentaires et de vos points de vue. Pour communiquer avec notre groupe d’intervention sur le rapport Arbour, écrivez à [email protected]
Though having lived in the U.S. for many years (almost 50), I continue to follow RMC affairs regularly. I have attended RMC Reunions every five years since my graduation in 1968 and ex-cadets from my class are among my best friends.
Needless to say, I am very disturbed at hearing about the sexual harassment and attacks that have taken place in the CAF and the MCs. There is no excuse for this behavior and those responsible should be punished, especially those in the senior ranks, who should be setting an example. Further, those who have been subject to this harassment and attacks should certainly not feel reluctant to report what happened to them. They should be treated fairly and with respect, they should receive the justice they deserve and they should receive whatever treatment and/or counseling they need.
Having said all that, I feel very strongly that the Colleges are of immeasurable value to Canada … not just to the CAF, but to Canada as a whole. This value can be seen in the ex-cadets, who have served Canada in roles ranging from esteemed senior officers in the CAF (in war and peace) and RCMP, Canada’s fourth astronaut in space and leaders in government, non-profits and industry. When one says that changes in any organization start at the top, how can one ignore the Colleges as one of the best starting points for initiating such a change with respect to these incidents of sexual harassment and attacks … what better place to start than with Canada’s future leaders.
We assume that a person undertaking sexual harassment is aware that their actions are sexual harassment. However, this is not always the case. A course dealing with sexual harassment should be part of the curriculum at the colleges. The result should be elimination of unintended sexual harassment which I suspect may be a very substantial percentage of such harassment. Unintended sexual harassment is certainly not uncommon.
We are asking staff at RMC and RMC Saint-Jean for info on the kinds of training or awareness Cadets are currently receiving.
When I was a member of the Directing Staff of the Royal Military College of Science at Shrivenham in the UK I noticed that there were a large number of Royal Air Force (RAF) officers who were undergraduates in what had previously been a British Army college. I was informed that the RAF had closed the undergraduate college that had trained their engineering officers and planned to rely on civilian universities. However most of the RAF engineering graduates trained at civilian universities left the service as soon as their fixed terms of service expired. This presented a risk to both flight safety and national security. As it did not prove possible to recreate the RAF university in a short timeframe, the RAF turned to the British Army’s Royal Military College of Science to train their engineering officers. If RMC, our only service university, is closed, and Canada experiences the same problem, we do not have this option in-country, although I am sure that the British would be willing to help.
(Please add this to my original comments).
Since I left the Royal Military College of Science in 1992, the organization of officer training in Britain has changed considerably, but my comments should offer a cautionary tale about the effects of ill considered changes recommended by a person who is not a military professional. Failure to retain experienced officers after their fixed term has expired will present a national security problem.
I would highly recommend “The Stone Frigate” book written by Kate Armstrong, the first female cadet who was assigned a college number. Kate shares her story, including family events prior to her entering RMC, in a very insightful and courageous manner. It is well worth the read.
Further to Brian’s comments, Kate’s book is indeed an eye opener. Out Standing in the Field, by Sandra Peron is also worth reading. I’m in the midst of reading another book on the subject by Charlotte Deval-Lantoine called “The Ones We Let Down”. We are now over forty years since women first entered RMC in 1980. The fact that this aberrant behaviour is still occurring/being discussed is disturbing. It speaks to the intransigence of the Colleges and the military (and outside the military too) to address the issue of male/female equality. Change is slow, but this glacial pace suggests deflection and indifference.
Secondly, Brian, you are to be commended on the work you’ve done on creating the Anthony Daniel Bowie Memorial Medallion in honour of our classmate who lost his life during the running of the obstacle course we ran in 1972. Those of us who ran it will not forget that event, or having to search for him after the race. From Brian’s memo to me, “The medallion will be awarded to the recruit best showing the characteristics of Determination and Genuine Concern for the Welfare of Others as demonstrated during the First Year Orientation Period and the Recruit Obstacle Course. In addition the cadet chosen for this award will also be named as the First Year Senior.”
Those interested in helping to fund this project should contact Brian at [email protected]