Following is a list of obituaries that we compiled from the past 48 Issues of e-Veritas. It includes: Ex Cadets; former military & civilian staffs; & family members. If we missed anyone, let us know and send along the link of the particular obituary.
H25197 William John “Danny” McLeod; 3075 Henry W. Morewood; 4999 Jean-Louis Houle;
MURRAY, Arthur William ‘Bill’;
H 17417 Col The Hon J.R. Matheson; 3912 George Lake Logan; E4613 NEADOW, Arthur Joseph R.H; 2583 LANE, Robert L; 22729 WEBSTER, Andrew F; 2738 Allan John Cameron;
23463 Heywood, Harley Bruce; 6239 DICK, Lawrence Kent; 4109 FRASER, Donald;
4999 HOULE, Jean-Louis; 4651 Gordon C. Andrews;
3036 DOWSLEY, Brian; 2915 John Oswald Ward; 5555 ELLIS, John Stanley;
RCNC 004 KILPATRICK, John Ross McLennan; Ken Harvey;
Commissionaire MWO Brown; 2704 Marcel Richard; 4750 McGOWAN, Stewart (Stu) Edwin;
3222 James Alfred Jennings; 2687 HOPKINS, NIGEL JOHN; “Ken” Mayhew
RCNC 300 H. Hugh Plant; 3222 James A. Jennings; 3187 Irving ATKINS;
7396 LEGAARDEN, John Thomas; 2635 GREGG, James ‘Milton’;
3137 Ralph Darby Keen; 3816 Howard William Causier;
CHAUDHRY, Professor Mahinder Datt; 3129 Bob Gross;
TETLEY, William Aubrey; 3695 Louis-Hébert Couillard;
RCNC 321 James Lewis Creech; 3478 ROCHESTER, Ian;
JONES, DR. Richard Edward; 5295 MICHAEL SULLIVAN; 3604 Karl M. FERGUSON;
2769 Ralph Ernest Hyde; M264 Frank (Francesco) Anthony Vellone;
13291 TOMAS, David; 3707 David Earle Stothers;
13362 Gaétan “Nounours” Brosseau; 14200 Stephan Carignan; 5220 TURCOTTE, John Gerald “Gerry”;
6513 John Bart; 2932 Garry Hammond; 3782 Rayner Jobson; 22814 CUTLER, Aaron Leigh;