To the Alumni Association,
On behalf of the entire RMC Sport Parachuting Team, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude for the experience you have helped provide us with. Your contributions have significantly impacted the team and have allowed us to continue to grow the sport of parachuting and expose more people to the sport itself.
Throughout the year, the Sport Parachuting Team has been able to gain 15 new members of the Canadian Sport Parachuting Association (CSPA) and 10 members to obtain higher licenses within the CSPA. The team has been able to attend different courses and trainings in a variety of different environments, including a weekend tandem event at Parachute Ottawa and a week long training event at Skydive Palatka. All of which would not have been possible without the help of the association.
The skills learnt throughout this experience go far beyond parachuting. Teaching individuals respect, discipline, how to maintain composure, and how to keep focus in a high tempo environment. Such skills that are directly transmittable to a CAF environment and our development as future leaders. Working with both Canadian and American coaches with years of experience alongside your peers from the college is an unmatched experience that will stick with us for the rest of our lives.
Our trip to Florida, and the experiences and memories that came from it, would not have been possible without your help. Your contributions have facilitated the execution of the trip, and have allowed us to introduce more people to the sport and have made the sport itself more accessible to a greater number of people. Such an opportunity would not be possible anywhere else.
OCdt Mackenzie Nauss CDL, B Division
Royal Military College of Canada – Kingston