Senator Romeo Dallaire Visits RMCC
Article and photos by Capt Cynthia Kent
LGen (Ret’d) Romeo Dallaire, Senator, visited RMCC on Tuesday, November 15th. Senator Dallaire was greeted by a quarter guard before signing the book commemorating his visit to RMCC. Prior to his visit, Senator Dallaire spoke at the Military and Veterans Health Research Forum which is designed for civilian, military and government researchers and officials to share information in order to improve the wellbeing and health of CF personnel, veterans and their families.
Robert Fowler Visit and Talk
Article and photos by Capt Cynthia Kent
Robert Fowler, career diplomat and civil servant, spoke to RMCC Cadets on Wednesday, November 16th as part of the Commandant’s Professional Development Series. Mr. Fowler, who has long worked behind the scenes, became very well known to the public in December 2008 when he and his assistant, fellow Canadian diplomat Louis Guay, were abducted by Al Qaeda. It happened when he was in Niger as a special envoy of the United Nations, charged with getting the rebels and government to agree to peace talks. They were held for four and a half months before being released.
Minister of National Defense Arrives for Fall Convocation