Pictured presenting the cheque to Mrs. Lancastle are: OCdt Murray, OCdt Hobb, OCdt Manderson, OCdt Bethune, OCdt Manser, OCdt Filiatrault and OCdt Pym.
6513 Captain John Bart Leadership Award Winners Helping Others
I Years – Truly Champions!
The 2011 Captain John Bart Leadership Award winners showed this week that they truly understand the meaning of the award and the importance of leadership in helping others.
The Cadets decided to use the money associated with the award to help a member of the Royal Military College of Canada’s staff in a time of great need.
Holly Lancastle, who is a member of the RMCC family working for cleaning services, lost her family home in a fire in November – The family’s possessions were destroyed.
The Bart winners donated their $2500 prize to the Lancastle family, and presented the cheque on Tuesday, December 13 during the staff appreciation reception at the Senior Staff Mess.
The Captain John Bart Leadership Award is presented annually to the first year Cadet in each Squadron who demonstrates the highest level of leadership during the Obstacle Course competition that marks the end of FYOP. The RMC Club Foundation through a generous donation from Dr. John Bart provides a cash award to each of the recipients of this distinguished award.
The recipient of the award is encouraged to apply the cash prize to any activity, event or organization that contributes to his or her further education or development as a leader; supports a College organization such as a Squadron, Flight, Club, Team, or research/project group; contributes to any other purpose within the objects of the Foundation, or otherwise advances his or her well-being.
This year’s Captain John Bart Leadership Award winners are:
OCdt Evan Murray – 1 Sqn
OCdt Karl Grodzinski – 2 Sqn
OCdt Michael Hobb – 3 Sqn
OCdt Roderick Manderson – 4 Sqn
OCdt Robert Orchard-Mullin – 5 Sqn
OCdt Todd Bethune – 6 Sqn
OCdt Matthias Sinasac – 7 Sqn
OCdt Marek Sadovsky – 8 Sqn
OCdt Sean Manser – 9 Sqn
OCdt Jonathan Filiatrault – 10 Sqn
OCdt Ryan Metcalf – 11 Sqn
OCdt Michael Wolscht – 12 Sqn
OCdt Stephen Pym – 13 Sqn
Military and academic wings collaborate to help build up presentation skills of officer cadets
During the last week of classes, many officer cadets are busy delivering presentations on their term projects. These presentations provide officer cadets with an opportunity to hone their presentations skills while displaying the competencies they acquired in their classes. Dr. Nicole Bérubé (Business Administration) firmly believes that collaboration between members of the military and academic wings is essential to provide valuable feedback to officer cadets enrolled in her classes. “This is an excellent opportunity for the military and academic wings to collaborate in the development of essential skills for our students,” she says. “It is also an opportunity to underscore for our officer cadets the value of advance preparation and for them to realize how well they can think on their feet while presenting to a mixed audience.”
Shown in the photo are officer cadets from Dr. Bérubé’s marketing class and their evaluators following presentations on Dec. 1st 2011. Left to right, seated: Captain Anthony Robb, Major Brigitte Allaire, Dr. Audrey Camus and Dr. Naceur Essaddam. Left to right, standing, Offcer-cadets Nicolas Métayer, Sébastien Hébert, Paul-Charles Geoffrion-Lockhead, Nicolas Léonard, Michael Plourde, and Marc Pelletier.
Les militaires et les professeurs collaborent pour évaluer les présentations d’élèves-officiers
Tout au long de la dernière semaine de la session, plusieurs élèves-officiers ont été très occupés à présenter leurs projets de session. Celles-ci sont une belle occasion pour les élèves-officiers de mettre en pratique leurs habiletés de communication tout en montrant ce qu’ils ont appris dans leurs cours. Le professeur Nicole Bérubé (Administration des affaires) croit fermement que la collaboration entre les militaires et les professeurs du CMR est essentielle afin d’offrir aux élèves-officiers la rétroaction la plus significative pour leur développement. « Voici aussi une belle occasion de faire comprendre aux élèves-officiers la valeur d’une préparation antérieure assidue et de leur permettre de constater comment ils peuvent réagir sur le coup devant un auditoire mixte. »
La photo montre les officiers-cadets de la classe de marketing du Dr. Bérubé et leurs évaluateurs lors des présentations du 1ier décembre 2011. Assis, de gauche à droite : Capitaine Anthony Robb, Major Brigitte Allaire, Dr. Audrey Camus et Dr. Naceur Essaddam. Debout, de gauche à droite : Les élèves-officiers Nicolas Métayer, Sébastien Hébert, Paul-Charles Geoffrion-Lockhead, Nicolas Léonard, Michael Plourde, et Marc Pelletier.
A group of 12 Foreign Service Attachés visited the Royal Military College of Canada on Monday, December 5th. The group included representatives from the United States, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, Turkey, Chile, Germany, Korea and China. They were greeted by RMCC Commandant, BGen Eric Tremblay; Prinicipal, Dr. Joel Sokolsky; the Director of Applied Military Science, Col Stephen Saulnier; the Chief of Staff, Cdr Mike Mooz; the Chief of Staff Formation, Operations, Support and Management at the Canadian Defence Academy, Col Dalton Cote; and the Director of Athletics at RMCC, Darren Cates. The group then received briefings on the Canadian Defence Academy, the Royal Military College of Canada, including briefings on athletics and research.
$101,616.20. – in 2 words – Very impressive!
RMCC United Way leadership team all smiles after a very successful fundraising campaign: Pictured from left are OCdt Jennifer Stanton, WO Rene Forster and Capt Geneviève Vallières
RMCC United Way Campaign Exceeds Expectations
Article & photo: Cynthia Kent – Public Affairs Officer
The 2011 United Way Campaign at the Royal Military College of Canada has been another huge success raising an amazing total of $101,616.20.
That amount is more than 20 thousand dollars over the Campaign’s goal of 80 thousand dollars.
“I would like to thank all the personnel and students of the College for your generosity,” said United Way Campaign Coordinator, Captain Geneviève Vallières. “I would particularly like to thank all the section representatives and the individuals who organized all those exciting events, we would not have achieved this result without your hard work.”
Vallières also recognized Warrant Officer Rene Forster and Officer Cadet Jennifer Stanton for their tremendous efforts running the campaign at RMCC.
The RMCC community has traditionally been a strong supporter of the United Way Campaign as a way to give back to the local community. Money is raised in a number of ways, including filling out a donation form and giving by cheque, credit card or payroll deduction, the ever popular Dress-Down Fridays, parking on the Parade Square, silent auctions and craft sales, barbecues, the Registrar’s Hallowe’en bake sale, the Kick-off and Touch Down breakfasts and countless other unit and individual efforts.
The money raised is in support of the United Way Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington and goes to help people in need in the community. The United Way KFLA raised more than $ 3.3 million this year – setting its 13th straight local fundraising record.
More photos from the United Way Breakfast
United Way Touchdown Breakfast
Photos by 25782 OCdt Brandon Friesen
On Tuesday, November the 29th, cadets, staff, and civilian guests were served breakfast in Yeo Hall by BGen Tremblay, CPO1 Lindsey, and LCol Wigg among other military and academic staff. The proceeds from the event went to United Way.
Intramural Sports Awards Parade
Photos by 25782 OCdt (II) Brandon Friesen
Article by 25752 OCdt (III) Christopher Lane
This past Wednesday, the Fall IMs Awards Ceremony officially marked the end of the Intramural season. The ceremony recognized the winning squadrons from each sport, the best-performing referees and the most valuable and sportsmanlike players from each league.
Team captains from 5 Sqn (Water Polo), 8 Sqn (Ultimate Frisbee), 13 Sqn (Soccer), 10 Sqn (Ball Hockey), C Div (Ice Hockey) and D Div (Sandhurst) were presented their respective trophies by Commandant BGen Eric Tremblay. CWC OCdt Lavictoire, Director of Athletics Darren Cates and DCdt LCol Susan Wigg went on to present award water bottles to the best referees, most sportsmanlike and most valuable players.
The 2011 Fall Season was one of progress for the RMC Intramural program. The most notable change was the introduction of the tier system, in which each leagues was split into two tiers at midseason based on records. This resulted in closer, hard-fought games which raged through to early November.
Another achievement of the Fall IMs season was the growth of the Sandhurst IMs program. Not only was the league expanded to six teams (the four divisions and two teams made up of CMR St. Jean cadets), but the program as a whole was raised to a more competitive level, offering a challenging experience to all participants. A lot of the program’s development is credited to OCdt David Neppel and OCdt Dominic Ragetli; their hard work was instrumental to the league’s success and has revolutionized the program.
Special thanks also go to Cadet Wing Intramural Sports Officer, OCdt Michael Buss, as well as all thirteen Cadet Squadron Sports Officers for their hard work in making the season a success. And, as always, Christine Powers and Chad Blundy did a fantastic job of keeping all the pieces in place.
Finally, congratulations to the cadets for creating the fun and competitive atmosphere that makes the RMC Intramural Program an integral element of RMC life. See you for the Winter Season!
Relinquishment Ceremony
Photos by 25782 OCdt Brandon Friesen
25411 OCdt Kilfoil, Enrolled in 2008 and was a member of 6 Squadron until his transfer to holding platoon in May 2011. His Effective Relinquishment date to Pte(B) was 28 Nov 2011. He is transferring from Armoured to Combat Engineer and is currently awaiting a posting message to CFB Gagetown.