
Weekly PMT – Professional Military Training – 29 January 2014

1st Year Class:

Durant l’entrainement militaire professionnel de ce matin, les élèves-officiers de première année ont reçu un cours sur les ruck sack. En tant qu’instructeurs, deux élèves-officiers de deuxième et troisième année ont démontré l’assemblage des sacs. Les élofs de première année ont donc pu apprendre comment monter un ruck sack en partant de la base de métal, puis ensuite comment assembler le sac de couchage ainsi que la partie arrière du sac. Plusieurs trucs et conseils ont été donnés sur l’ordre dans lequel il faut remplir le sac de bivouac pour le rendre plus étanche et solide.

26964 Élof Alexandre Palardy – Esc 4

2nd Year Class:

Mercredi le 29 janvier dernier, au Collège militaire royal du Canada, les élèves-officiers de la classe de 2016 ont reçu une présentation sur le rôle du Maître de deuxième classe dans la Marine royale canadienne. Deux Maître de première classe, actuellement en poste au Collège militaire royal du Canada, en ont profité pour partager leurs connaissances sur le sujet avec les 2e années. La session fut très instructive pour tous, puisque peu importe l’élément, les futurs officiers seront appelés à servir avec des Maîtres de deuxième classe tout au long de leur carrière partout au Canada et même à l’étranger.

Après la présentation, la période de questions fût utilisée à son maximum par les élèves-officiers afin, non seulement de mieux comprendre le sujet, mais aussi de profiter de l’expérience des deux Maître de première classe en ce qui concerne la Marine royale canadienne en général. Les Aspirants de marine ont donc pu en apprendre davantage sur les différents métiers militaires des officiers ainsi que les différents postes sur lesquels ils pourront être affectés.

26401 Élof Victor-Joël Couture – Esc 3

3rd Year Class

This week, there was a parade and drill practice scheduled for the third year class’ PMT, but it was cancelled due to the weather. Instead, OCdts reorganized for alternate activities to fill the time. Many squadrons spent their time preparing for midterms, doing papers, completing other homework, or preparing for the looming Commandants inspection. In 9 Squadron, third year OCdts Sannes and Desjardins taught the 9 Sqn first year cadets how to put together a ruck sack in preparation for Basic Military Officer Qualification (BMOQ) during this upcoming summer.

 4th Year Class

IV Years were scheduled to have a special presentation at Currie Hall. Due to adverse weather conditions the presentation had to be postponed. Every effort will be made to reschedule down the road. In the meantime, ALL the IV years made themselves useful completing various tasks by squadron during the time allotted.

(Click on photos by Curtis Maynard for better viewing.)


Shake-up in the morning routine – a step forward

26670 NCdt (III) Katherine Silins

Changeover of command at RMC is frequent, often making it difficult for the barslate to make any sort of lasting change. Last semester, the Top 5 did manage to leave a lasting mark on the College that much of the Wing appreciates.

Balancing the demands of being a full-time university student as well as a contributing member of the Wing became more challenging last semester due to the very busy morning activity schedule – one inspection (dress or room), two morning PT sessions (PSP- or squadron-led) and one “Commander’s Hour”. Commander’s Hours would be used by various levels of the CoC to accomplish squadron/division tasks such as PDRs, flight meetings and squadron activities. Wednesday mornings usually started later with a parade led by the CWC (to pass points directives or recognize outstanding cadets in front of their peers) leading into PMT.

In practice, once the grind of midterms started and – for some – didn’t stop until exams started, this schedule was unfeasible for the Wing. The outgoing CWC, OCdt Kyle Nielsen (IV), supported by PSP staff, spearheaded a movement to reshape morning activities to better suit the unique demands and needs of a military college. Morning PT will now replace the Commander’s Hour during “low-activity periods” when the Wing does not have intra-mural sports. During the rest of the year, cadets will be responsible for maintaining a high level of fitness independently, with the help of IMs and PE classes. The two morning PT periods of last semester will be changed to CDL and CSL mornings, during which the respective cadet leaders will be responsible for coming up with productive and meaningful activities for their divisions or squadrons.

As a second-year section commander, I have directly experienced the benefits of this new system. One CDL morning was provided for me to conduct my initial interviews for my PDRs, saving both me and my subordinates time, a commodity more valuable than gold. Many CDL mornings will be delegated to the CFL level, allowing for point passing to be conducted early in the morning instead of the usual late-night hallway meeting. My CSL plans to use her mornings to increase squadron morale and cohesion by implementing squadron breakfasts to share cadet achievement and plans. All in all, this new system is a step in the right direction, and is not only a positive change, but a sign of the constantly evolving needs of the Wing and the challenges we all face meeting them.

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