
Weekly PMT – Professional Military Training – 5 Feb 2014

Count Down to Commandants Inspection

26659 OCdt (II) Danielle Andela – 1 Squadron

The last month of life at the Royal Military College of Canada has been a flurry of workup inspections and preparations for the final major inspection of the year: Commandants Inspection.

The past week was a busy one for inspections ranging from members of the Cadet and Training Wing such as Cadet Squadron Leaders, Squadron Commanders, Division Commanders and Division Warrant Officers.

Throughout this process boots are polished, beds are made, floors are meticulously mopped and every piece of clothing is spotless! The staff have been hard on the Officer Cadets during these workup inspections to ensure that every Officer Cadet receives nothing the highest marks on their dress and room standard.

This traditional inspection takes place once a semester and has every Officer Cadet cleaning every nook and cranny of their rooms! The Commandants Inspection took place this past Saturday, February 8th and it was worth all the preparation to pull off the nearly flawless inspection standard.


1st Year Class:

This week’s PMT started off with a Wing Parade, before we began inspection preparation. This week’s inspection preparation was especially important as we have the Commandant’s inspection on Saturday, so everyone is working extra hard to get their rooms up to standard. Because of the amount of inspections this week, the inspection preparation this morning allowed for us to work on finer details in our standard, such as polishing boots and ironing shirts. The Division staff were very helpful in giving us tips and tricks for putting those finishing touches on everything from our civilian closets to the bottoms of our parade boots. Overall, everyone had a fairly good inspection, and everyone took something away from it that they could work on for the big day on Saturday!

26894 OCdt Shaun Noel – 5 Sqn


2nd Year Class:

This Wednesday, the second year class had a chance to take a break from our regular military training to work on our room standards, in preparation for the upcoming Commandant’s inspection. This period is usually a very stressful time at the College. Since midterms are soon approaching, the officer cadets are feeling pressure from both the Academic and Military wing of the College. Therefore, it was very appreciated to have a chance to work on our room standards. Moreover, certain squadrons had barmen inspect the rooms in order to find any errors so that they could be improved before the inspection on Saturday. Due to this, I’m sure room standards will be much higher for this semester’s Commandant’s inspection.

26664 OCdt Zacharie Marshall – 4 Sqn


3rd Year Class

After a snowy CWC parade, each squadron headed back to their lines for two hours of varying degrees of inspection preparation. As the Commandant’s inspection draws closer, work up inspections have focused in on the last minute details such as curtain placement and blackening the soles of our boots. This year’s inspection is slightly different than previous years because of its early placement in the semester. This was decided to help ease the pain of balancing midterms and end of semester projects with inspections. Lucky for most, midterms start next week though there are a few cadets who felt the sting of their first midterms this week. Nevertheless, squadrons will rally as usual and pull together for this Saturday’s inspection (even if it means staying up late Friday).

26542  OCdt Deanna Gilmore – 10 Sqn


4th Year Class

It’s that time of year again. A time for dusting, polishing, and ironing like mad in order to prepare for the Commandant’s inspection, which takes place on 8 February 2014, and that is exactly what the fourth year cadets of RMCC did during their period of Professional Military Training on 5 February 2014. Many awoke early to begin the cleaning process and could be seen performing acrobatics on their chairs and windowsills in order to remove the pesky dust that seems to breed with particular intensity right before an inspection.

At 0900 hours, each Squadron performed an inspection to check the progress of all years. This inspection went quite well under the supervision of those fourth year cadets who are currently in leadership roles. The rooms were largely up to standard, with only minor details that need correcting before the big event on Saturday. Thanks to this session of PMT, the fourth years, and the Cadet Wing in general, will be ready to impress BGen Meinzinger with a very well done inspection.

25927  OCdt Rikki Bell – 2 Sqn



Des élofs participent à l’exercice Rafale Blanche

Le 28 janvier dernier, 16 élèves-officiers prenaient la route pour la BFC Valcartier, afin d’aller prendre part à l’exercice Rafale Blanche, un exercice de guerre hivernale tenu annuellement par le 5e Groupe Brigade Mécanisé du Canada. Les élofs ont intégré les rangs du 1er Bataillon du Royal 22e Régiment (1R22eR) pour cet exercice, et y ont apprit les rudiments de la guerre hivernale. Provenant de plusieurs métiers différents de l’armée de terre, les élofs ont été assignés à une variété de tâches en lien avec leur métier.

Par exemple, 26140 élof Hansen Tan, en tant qu’officier de logistique, fut déployé avec la compagnie de service du 1R22eR, où il pu apprendre les bases du soutien logistique d’un bataillon d’infanterie en exercice.

 4 photos par 1R22R Valcartier

Plusieurs autres élofs ont aussi été employés au sein des postes de commandement des compagnies, où ils ont pu recevoir directement le mentorat des commandants de compagnie, et suivre l’évolution de la tactique de la compagnie sur le terrain.

La majorité des élofs, cependant, étaient déployés au sein des pelotons. Ils ont alors été employés à titre de shadow des commandants de pelotons, c’est-à-dire qu’ils les suivaient partout pour apprendre leur travail, ainsi qu’à titre de membre d’une section, où ils ont pu expérimenter la guerre hivernale à partir du front. Leurs tâches ont donc été diverses, et ont passé de creusage de tranchés à assister à des groupe d’ordres de compagnie. Un petit groupe ont même eut la chance de prendre part à un raid héliporté au niveau de peloton.

En bref, ces 16 élofs ont vécu une très belle semaine à apprendre la base de la guerre en hivers, et ils sont revenus au Collège avec un enthousiasme renouvelé quant à leur métier et une panoplie de nouvelles connaissances.

25904 Élof Vincent Désilets Esc 1



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