Welcome to RMCC – February 2014 (Photo by Curtis Maynard)
The time has arrived that most cadets dread…Commandant’s Inspection
Commandant’s Inspection Weekend
25936 (IV) Élof Sarah Labrecque – Escadron 4
This week we could hear cadets grumbling and see them nodding off in their classes – the Commandant’s inspection must be near! Indeed, the Officer Cadets at RMCC were doing their early spring cleaning this week, emptying and cleaning their rooms to get ready for the biggest inspection of the semester.
L’inspection du Commandant s’est tenue samedi le 8 février au Collège militaire royal. Toute la semaine, les escadrons ont tenu des inspections en préparation pour l’inspection en passant par différents niveaux d’évaluation. Les commandants de sections et les élofs chef d’escadrille ont été les premiers à inspecter leur subordonnés, passant ensuite par les élofs chef d’escadron et finalement par les chaînes de commandement d’un escadron différent pour assurer que le standard était maintenu non seulement à l’intérieur d’un escadron mais aussi dans l’escadre.
Cadets’ past couple of weeks have been devoted to cleaning, ironing, scrubbing, and polishing their rooms as well as the common rooms, such as the laundry rooms and lounges. Most of the morning activities this week concentrated on preparation for the big inspection on Saturday. They have put in a great deal of time and effort to ensure their dormitories were up to standard and ready for BGen Meinzinger’s inspection. Squadron scores obtained from the Commandant’s inspection count towards the Commandant’s Cup competition, therefore cadets were extra motivated to do well in order to help their squadron obtain the Right of Line!
Ce semestre, l’inspection du Commandant s’est déroulée au cours d’une seule journée. L’année passée, les inspections du Commandant s’étaient déroulées durant la semaine, avec une division inspectée par matin. En faisant toutes les inspections à l’intérieur d’une journée, cela facilite les efforts logistiques et permet aussi de maintenir un temps de préparation identique pour chaque division. Le Commandant a donc inspecté un dortoir à la fois et il fut suivit par les équipes d’inspection, composées d’élofs en position de commandement, qui ensemble ont inspecté tous les élofs du Collège.
Cependant, la fin de semaine n’était pas seulement dévoué au travail. Les élèves officiers de la classe de 2014 ont célébré l’évènement du 100 jours avant leur graduation samedi soir.
Fourth year cadets celebrated their 100 days to grad (DTG) with a class outing to Cloverleaf Lanes Bowling Center, followed by an evening at Ale House. Teams dressed up to show off their team spirit, and prizes were handed out for the most creative costumes, as well as for the top players and teams at the bowling alley.
All in all, it has been a busy week at RMCC, but cadets are relieved to have the Commandant’s inspection over and done with (although they will continue to maintain their room standard for Monday morning inspections throughout the semester!)
More Curtis Maynard photos from the commandant’s inspection
More from the week that was…
The Ontario Engineering Competition (OEC) took place this past weekend at UOIT in Toronto. The RMCC junior OEC team placed third in the province and was made up of OCdts Aithal (II Civ), Burkhart (II Elec), McGowan (II Aero) and Williams (II Comp). The Senior team also competed extremely well but failed to make it to the podium. RMCC is now waiting to see if the junior team will be asked to compete in the National Competition.
The RMCC participation in the Ontario Engineering Competition was funded by the Foundation.