Weekly PMT – Professional Military Training
1st Year Class:
On Wednesday March 5th for PMT, the First Years of the Cadet Wing conducted their first rucksack march at RMCC in order to prepare their kit for this summer’s Basic Military Officer Qualification course. This familiarized them with how to pack a ruck sack properly in order to maintain proper weight management in terms of balance, as well as what it feels like to have an extra 20lbs strapped to their back. For many, it was their first rucksack march and getting to know how it feels to walk a certain distance in a group with a rucksack is a paramount activity within the military.
Article by: 27196 NCdt Alexander Prommer – 7 Sqn
2nd Year Class:
This week for PMT, the Second Years were split up into their respective divisions and were given a brief on Junior Leadership by officers from the Training Wing. This brief included a discussion on the roles of junior leaders, such as what it means to lead and how to do it. It focused on how to be an effective leader and the ramifications of leadership, especially at the junior level, which is very pertinent for all the second years considering that we have all recently applied for our junior level bar positions for next year. To have this brief really reinforced our responsibilities for when we become leaders and was highly beneficial to our training by having it in more of a discussion format where we could bring up questions about leadership to the officers. On the whole, this brief was beneficial to our training by reminding us that we are future officers in the Canadian Forces, and as we approach the point in our training to begin learning how to lead, it was good to have a brief on leadership that really targeted the situation we shall all shortly find ourselves in.
Article by: 26861 NCdt Benjamin Burnell – 2 Sqn
3rd Year Class
It was a good thing coffee was readily available for this week’s third year PMT brief. The Anglophone third years were briefed in the Cadet Dining Hall; Lt(N) Medeiros tried to make the best of dry material by adding some of his own experiences into the presentation. The francophone third years were given the same briefing in French by Capt Labonté. This week’s topic was planning an event or operation; covering from the initial conception up to the execution. Although most cadets would later claim to not have found the brief particularly interesting, they would readily admit that is was important information to be taught as future officers in the Canadian Forces.
Article by: 26257 OCdt Zachary Day – 12 Sqn
4th Year Class
The purpose of this week’s fourth year PMT was to inform cadets as well as prompt them to start thinking about the steps they need to take to facilitate a smooth transition to their next posting. Representatives from Brookfield Global Relocation Services came to RMCC to talk to us about the procedure to carry out future administration work for those of us who will receive a restricted posting upon graduation from RMCC. This included details about the registration with Brookfield, as well as our benefits covering our House Hunting Trip (HHT), our move, etc. The 4th years also received information on prohibited postings from RMCC’s Orderly Room staff. Finally, a mortgage representative from the Bank of Montreal spoke to us about the steps to take in order to obtain a mortgage for those planning to buy a house upon receiving their posting. The 4th year class will be eager to start working with Brookfield as it will indicate one of the last out-clearance steps needed upon graduation.
Article by: 26035 OCdt Jason MinChul Kim – 3 Sqn