Upcoming events

Vancouver Island Ex-Cadet Club Events

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Ottawa Branch 

Toronto Branch Fall Social Thursday 7 November 2024

This event will take place at the Armour Heights Officer’s Mess 215 Yonge Boulevard, Toronto  Start time is 18:00 for 18:30.

We have a room set aside for this event. Friends and spouses welcome. Oyster-eaters and non-oyster eaters welcome.

We will have food available, including chowder and a limited number of oysters.

If you plan to attend but not have oysters or chowder, please email us ([email protected]) to let us know you are coming.

Pricing $25 for anyone having Oysters and/or seafood chowder

Registration & Payment

Please register and prepay so we know how many to expect.

This will take you to a PayPal page to complete the payment. You do not need a PayPal account to pay.


Atlantic Branch

  • 21 November- Luncheon Royal Artillery Park Officers’ Mess – 12:00-1:30 pm
  • 30 December – Holiday Reception Royal Artillery Park Officers’ Mess – 12:00-3:00 pm

More information can be found here:  https://rmcalumniatlantic.ca/

Chapitre Fort Saint-Jean

Retrouvailles Hivernales – novembre 28 2024
Réservez votre place pour nos grandes Retrouvailles hivernales qui aura lieu à Montréal le 28 novembre prochain. Tout comme l’an dernier, cette soirée est commanditée par Canso et PBY. Un événement à ne pas manquer!
Réservez ici, c’est gratuit! : https://lc.cx/VSks33
Pour célébrer l’histoire et le passage des Anciens(nes) au CMR Saint-Jean, nous sommes heureux de vous présenter l’épinglette du Chapitre Fort Saint-Jean. Il sera ainsi possible d’arborer fièrement son appartenance en tant qu’Anciens(nes) du @cmrsaintjeanrmc
Il sera possible de vous procurer cette magnifique épinglette lors des Retrouvailles hivernales où chaque participant en recevra une gratieusement.
Merci à Daniel St-Cyr (classe 1974) pour son implication dans le projet!
Book your place for our annual Winter Reunion in Montreal on November 28th. Like last year, this event is sponsored by Canso and PBY. An event not to be missed!
Book here, it’s free: https://lc.cx/VSks33
To celebrate the history and the passage of the Anciens(nes) at CMR Saint-Jean, we are pleased to present you the pin of the Fort Saint-Jean Chapter. This way it will be possible to proudly bear its membership as an Alumni of the @cmrsaintjeanrmc
It will be possible to get this beautiful pin at the Winter Reunion where each participant will receive one graciously.
Don’t forget to register to join this already legendary event!
Thank you to Daniel St-Cyr (class of 1974) for his involvement in the project!

Anciens Chapitre Québec

Événements futurs

13-nov-24 Lunch à la Citadelle de Québec
04-déc-24 Lunch à la Citadelle de Québec

Alex Stewart Memorial Game Friday 29 November, Constantine Area, 7:00 pm

In April 2024 the RMC Paladins Hockey community lost former player 24855 Alex Stewart, Class of 2010.

Alex succumbed after an aggressive 2.5-year battle with esophageal cancer. Born on 23 May 1985, Alex is survived by his loving spouse, Ashley, his cherished daughters, Aubrey and Anna, his parents Kenneth and Margaret “Peggy” Stewart, and his brother Kyle (Yuna), as well as his niece Noa.

Alex was a goaltender of 3 years at RMC and was the ultimate teammate, appreciated by all members of his team, the coaching staff, support personnel and classmates.

To celebrate Alex’s life and his value as a member of the RMC Paladins Men’s Hockey Team, RMC Hockey along with the RMC Hockey Alumni Association will be holding the Alex Stewart Memorial Game on Friday 29 November 2024 as the Paladins host the Waterloo Warriors at Constantine Arena at 7:00pm.

A pre-game ceremony with Alex’s wife, Ashley, their daughters Aubrey and Anna as well as his parents Kenneth and Peggy will honour Alex as a father, a son and as a former RMC Paladin.
We would like to invite all of Alex’s former teammates, classmates and those who may have served with him to attend this game to honour him.

For those unable to attend but wishing to show support may consider donating to the Alex Stewart Memorial Fund which will go towards the presentation to his family.

Those wishing to donate can do so through the following methods from today until 6 December 2024:
1) Cheque made payable to the RMC Unit Fund;
2) Cash donation provided directly to the RMC Hockey Coach;
3) Email Money Transfer, following these steps.
a. Go to your Banking website and select E-Transfer
b. Select bank account
c. Set up New contact
i. Name: CFMWS
ii. CFMWS Email account to be used: [email protected]

Enter Message: Donation to support the Alex Stewart Memorial Hockey Game

Anyone who wishes to receive a tax receipt must also provide their full legal name and address.

Any funds donated will be used to support the Alex Stewart Memorial Hockey Game on November 29th. Any excess funds will be put into the RMC Hockey NPF Trust account to be spent at the coach’s discretion.

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