OCdts. On Parade

Deepest Condolences to Shirley Fortier and Family

It was a real shock to hear of Pete’s untimely death. He was a great friend who brought a lot of sunshine into the lives of all those who he met. I was fortunate to have seen him in early June when I met him for the last time at “lunch at the SSM” – an informal custom that evolved following our postings to RMC in the 1970s. Peter had his camera on 5 June and took several photos of some of the members of the old Admin Wing gang – Gerry Stowe wasn’t able to make it. I asked a young army officer who was present to take a photo of the five of us and he obliged. Attached is a copy of that photo and condolences for Shirley and family that I submitted to the Kingston Whig Standard in July. Unfortunately the Whig staff are having a problem adding photos and are still working on correcting their obit programming problems.

While it would be an honour for me to write Peter’s obit for Veritas, unfortunately I don’t really have much knowledge of his life and careers other than during those great busy and challenging five years at RMC between 1972 and 1977. A better choice might be Gerry Stowe (with a broader knowledge of Peter’s life and total career) or John Plant (Peter’s cadet friend and superior during most of Pete’s 14 year tenure as RMC Registrar). Perhaps the obit that Shirley and family originated for the Whig Standard and James Reid Funeral Home could be used as a basis for the Veritas article.

While I won’t be able to attend the celebration of Peter’s life at Currie hall on 19 August, my thoughts and prayers will be with you all at that time.

Best wishes.

Pat & 4913 Ed Hare (RRMC RMC 1960)

Posted in The Kingston Whig Standard by Pat and Ed Hare on 7/27/2009

I was most fortunate to have had one last opportunity to meet Peter recently. That was on 5 June when myself and other members of the 70’s RMC Admin Wing staff gathered again for lunch at the SSM, an informal custom developed following our rewarding work as the RMC Admin Team during the 70’s. We all thoroughly enjoyed each others company and stories about our past exploits which seemed to grow and intensify over the years. We won’t forget our excellent leader and good friend, Peter Fortier.

“Lunch at The RMC Senior Staff Mess” – 5 June 2009

– 1970s RMC Admin Wing Team –

Pete Fortier (DAdm), Harry Macdonald (Supply Officer), Ed Hare (DDAdm),
Gord Johnson (Admin Officer), Bernie Hamel (B & B Coordinator)


Hi Bill,

What a job you and your reporters are doing! Thank you for sending this our way. There are articles in this e-magazine to please every ex-cadet.

I am writing this in the hope that you may post it to advise everyone that the website of the Class of ’66 now contains a complete version of “The Log” for the year 1963 – 1964. The Log was the annual review of The Royal Roads Military College. The pages were completely re-built to make them easy to read with just about any browser without the need for any other program.

This is not of interest only to the Class of ’66; readers will find in there an ex-cadet section which provided information circa 1964 about members of the following classes at Royal Roads : 1945, 1946, 1948, 1951, 1954, 1956, 1959 and 1961.

The following link wil take your readers directly to those pages.


Once again, thank you for eVeritas.

6426 Serge Arpin

Bonjour Bill,

J’aimerais souligner l’excellent travail que vous et vos reporters accomplissez. Merci de nous le faire parvenir. Cette revue électronique contient des articles qui savent satisfaire tous les anciens.

Je vous écris dans l’espoir que vous pourriez mentionner que le site Web de la promotion de ’66 contient maintenant une copie complète de “The Log” pour l’année 1963 – 1064. “The Log”, était la revue annuelle du Royal Roads Military College. Les pages ont été re-compilées afin de les rendre facile à lire avec tout fureteur moderne sans ajout aucun.

Cette publication ne s’adresse pas seulement aux anciens de la promotion de ’66. Les lecteurs y trouveront une section d’anciens qui donne de l’information de l’époque sur ceux ayant terminé à Royal Roads en 1945, 1946, 1948, 1951, 1954, 1959 et 1961.

Le lien suivant conduira vos lecteurs directement à ces pages.


Encore une fois, merci pour eVeritas.

6426 Serge Arpin



Almost 90 years ago! (Prince of Wales’ visit to Canada) [The Prince leads three cheers for His Majesty at the Royal Military College, Kingston, Ont. Oct. 25]. Click twice for better view.

Courtesy of Victoria Edwards

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