The following was sent in by 5045 Ralph Awrey. 

You know that Covid boredom has set in when:

You start developing a list of the evidence.

Watching a leaf fall off your white oak tree is exciting. And you bet yourself on which leaf will be next to fall.

Your daily treat is guessing the contents of Joe’s huge sandwich when he does his twice daily snack run to Roncy.

Watching the neighbours get ultra excited the day before and during garbage day is a weekly high light. They are so hyped up that the Green for Life folks have to warn them to stay back!

Like a child awaiting Santa, I await the mid month/end of month car movement by the neighbours. Exciting car jockeying and one day, hopefully, fisticuffs will ensue.

Creating nick names for our hapless Mayor excites me. Mayor Flag? Mayor Nag? Mayor Natterer? Aha! Mayor Nattering Nag! Voila!

Having our roof re-shingled early to provide 2 exciting days of watching the workers scramble up and down ladders.

It’s easy to get up early to have coffee on my porch whist watching painters spruce up the next door neighbour’s house; and a glass of wine to wave them goodbye each day.

You keep a log of the number of times per day you wash your hands.

You wait excitedly for the installation of a neighbour’s hot tub. Joe won’t be invited because the cost of flood insurance for this area would sky rocket.

Saturday morning grocery shopping takes on a new meaning. On the way to No Frills, S.W.M.B.O. and I bet on the size of the line up to get into the store. The loser ponies up 25 cents for the cart.

What would you add to the list? Let us know in the comments below!


  1. 4806 John Whitaker on May 4, 2021 at 12:52 pm

    Great piece, Ralph. Guess we all do stupid things; like keeping track of my weight and blood pressure, sitting out on the balcony in the rain to have coffee and catch the fresh air, making sure I don’t miss my afternoon nap each day, etc.

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