
I was overwhelmed by the breadth and thoroughness of the article entitled An Impressive Art Collection at RMCC by Kamille Parkinson PhD in the latest edition of eVeritas. She is able to describe the historical background of the overall collection in such an interesting way as to appeal to all readers whether they have an interest in artwork or not.

Her second last paragraph about the difficulty in properly caring for the collection is the best appeal for museum support that I have seen in the past four years that I have been trying to encourage support from class representatives and other donors.

Thank you Kamille.

5256 Gwyn Griffith

“The difficulty with properly caring for an art collection such as the one at RMCC is of course one of resources. As at many museums, operational funding at the RMCC Museum is profoundly stretched, and the amount that can be devoted to the purchase of archival-quality storage materials or to having conservation work done is frustratingly small. Typically, museum/gallery fundraising efforts and donations are directed towards high-profile projects to which donor names can be attached, not to more prosaic purposes such as staffing and supplies. The collection, including museum artifacts, can unfortunately suffer in consequence. Museum personnel everywhere tend to develop a sort of fatalistic attitude towards these circumstances, but it is a situation that really should not exist.”


“The way it was” photo of the four cadets illustrating the four types of dress in 1948 when our class opened the College after the War, shown in the July 2nd issue, includes from left to right, Ted Mills, “Big John” McLaughlin, Bill Birmingham and Hugh C.W. Franklin. Ted Mills, Hugh Franklin and I, as well as my cousin Bob Jarvis and Robin Bourne all entered RMC in September 1948 from Ridley College in St. Catharines. We Ridley chaps were all attracted to RMC by the potential to further our gymnastics prowess, all having been members of Ridley’s gym team. We were eager to enjoy training under RSM Coggins, one of the three great physical training and gymnastics instructors who had come to Canada from England. The others were Capt. Igulden at Ridley and Sam Batt at Upper Canada College. Sadly the then RMC commandant, Brigadier Don Agnew, forbad gymnastics because he feared we might be “injured”. At least that is what we were told. This was a great disappointment to us all, and to others in our class who had also been anticipating becoming an RMC gymnast. Before the war RMC was known for its gymnastics. Sad story.

However, all was not lost because we received a fine education both in academics and discipline, plus camaraderie good for a lifetime …………………… and none of us was injured doing gymnastics.

2944 Reid J.D.



Just a personal note to tell you I have never heard such a fantastic extemporaneous speech like the one given to us in Edmonton last Wednesday by the Commandant. It was truly one of education in basics of budgeting and working under duress – especially where the past activities were such a strong point to overcome. I have the feeling that the future of the RMCC is in good hands!

The Athletic Director really got through in a hurry to all of us as to the changes and why – the answers were enjoyable the way they were expressed.

Just my opinions

#3673 John JORY


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