OCdts. On Parade

Photo by Cynthia Kent


By NCdt Shane Beaudry – 2 I/C OP NIJMEGEN 2011

The Royal Military College is participating once again in the 2011 OP Nijmegen happening 19-22 July 2011 overseas in The Netherlands. The meaning behind OP Nijmegen for any contingent in Canada is the tradition behind the march. During the Second World War, Canadians liberated the area around the city of Nijmegen, and near Groesbeek, which is the final resting for over 2,300 brave Canadian soldiers. The march itself is a 160 km march over a four day span (4 x 40 km per day) with all military members carrying a pack weighing a minimum of 10 kg. Today, over 40,000 marchers from over 50 different nations around the world come to participate in this march.

This year’s RMC team is comprised of fourteen highly enthusiastic and physically fit candidates from the Cadet Wing, as well as an former cadet of the class of 2005, Lt(N) Nicholas Buxton. Cadets were selected for the training based on their qualities in the four components of RMC: Athletics, Academics, Bilingualism, and Military Proficiency. The training consists of marching long distances with a loaded small pack in order to best prepare the team for the extreme distance of the Nijmegen March.

The walks are very long, taking up to 8 hours a day depending on the distance, but what keeps the team going are the positive attitudes of the members, their determination, and a few traditional songs. Yet another tradition of the Nijmegen March is to sing songs of the military or of the national culture. The team has marched over 300 km thus far, walking a variety of routes through Kingston. The response from the public has been exceptional, with many individuals in cars honking their horns and giving the team the thumbs up. Some military members from both RMC and CFB Kingston have even stopped to ask how far we’ve gone, and have shared their past experience of their participation in the Nijmegen March.

The cadets have less than a month remaining to get in over 600 km of training before heading over to Europe to participate in what is one of the most amazing physical and emotional experience for any Canadian soldier, the International Nijmegen Four-Days’ March.





Self Transcendence 6 Hour Race in Kingston Saturday 11 June 2011

Sponsored by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team.

Fort Frederick was invaded Saturday 11 June by 54 runners. They came to test their endurance and metal fortitude by circling an 840 meter loop as many times as they could in 6 hours. The loop is an extreme kidney shape done counterclockwise. Starting inside the wall beside the tower, the route runs out thru the wall and circles the point along the lake, turns left toward the RMC track, then left again to re-enter the fort, up a slight hill for the only right turn of the course and downhill back to the start.

Runners came from all walks of life and skill levels to test themselves against the clock. Some came with a specific distance in mind, others to see how long they can last. Some mix running and walking, while others came to practice their pacing and run as steady a pace as possible. Most came to run as individuals, although one team of 4 youths ranging in age from 13 to 15, ran as a relay.

The top runner Jeff Ashizawa managed 70.884 Km. Second was Major Bruce Barteaux RMC#11338 (78) (photo) with 68.652 Km. In 3rd and top female was Laurie McGrath with 68.142 Km.

Another RMC connection was volunteer recorder Scott James who is the RMC basket ball coach. Scott counted and recorded laps for a group of runners, and we needed the recorders as this author had lost count shortly after 6 laps. Many thanks for a well run event by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team and to all the volunteers. Thanks to RMC for hosting this event almost continuously since 1998.





On Friday, 10 June 2011, the RMC Athletic Department and a few of the CFB Kingston Base PSP staff set out to compete in the 25th Annual Surf and Turf Relay race in Trenton.

This eight-leg, cross-country fitness event involved running, cycling, mountain biking, canoeing, and swimming. Teams of eight people, plus a race crew, compete over 60 km of terrain spanning the Quinte West area.

There were many different categories competing for a turn out of 80 teams!

The athletic department had won this race a couple of years ago and fought very hard to keep close to the top team. The winning team finished in 3 hours, 18 minutes, and 22 seconds. RMC came in at 3 hours, 34 minutes, and 9 seconds.

The following individuals represented RMC:

7.4 km run – Erin Thompson (time: 33:42)

4 km canoe – Stephane Robert and Kara Mazerolle (time: 31:42)

15 km road bike – Steve Brick (1st place time: 25:53)

4 km cross country run (knees deep in water) – Christine Powers (time: 19:00)

9 km Extreme mountain bike – Chad Blundy – (time: 34:29)

7.5 km run – Debbie Hynes (time: 38:42)

500 m swim – Jessica Campbell (time: 10:03)

4km run – Kara Mazerolle (time: 20:42)

Congratulations to everyone for all of your hard work! The event was a huge success and everyone involved had a great day!

Next year, the RMC Athletic Department would like to enter both a male and female team.


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