Commnder CDA Pays First Official Visit to RMCC
MGen Pierre Forgues, Commander of the Canadian Defence Academy (CDA), signs the certificate commemorating his first official visit to the Royal Military College of Canada (RMCC) on August 16, 2011. Pictured from left: MWO Andy Skinner, RMCC Training Wing Sergeant Major; Cdr Mike Mooz, RMCC Chief Of Staff; Dr. Joel Sokolsky, Principal RMCC; MGen Forgues; BGen Eric Tremblay, Commandant RMCC; LCol Susan Wigg, Director of Cadets, RMCC; CPO1 Elizabeth Lindsay, College Chief Warrant Officer; and CWO Marcel Chiasson, CDA Chief Warrant Officer.
(Photo & caption by Capt Cynthia Kent RMCC PAO)