OCdts. On Parade

You May Know These 23…But Do You Really Know Them?


We had originally posted this quiz in in e-V 27 but they were part of the fallout we experienced when we had the technical problem.  Sorry for the inconvenience.


– former rugby player; member of the varsity review committee; recent graduate.

– the former head of the Physics Department and Dean of Science; he retired in September 2008; was named a fellow of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society at its annual Congress in 2009.

– played hockey for the Redmen; earned his BEng at McGill University; served with 437 Squadron; past President RMC Club of Canada – Kingston Branch.

– “Flying around in helicopters all summer, jumping into some of the most rugged terrain in costal B.C., and making ridiculous amounts of money. – Sweet.”

–  had two years under his belt at the University of Windsor prior to RMC; spent five years at the Royal Naval Engineer School in England; served on HMCS Restigouche; Dockyard in Halifax; HMCS Ottawa; Maritime Commanders Staff; Principal Naval Overseer in Montreal – all positions as Engineer Officer of ships or Staff Officer Engineering.

– following grade 12 started training and work at AVRO Aircraft Ltd, Malton, ON for about 18 months. Following the cancellation of the AVRO Arrow returned to finish up Grade 13; joined HMCS Kootenay about six months following RMC graduation.

– winner of Welterweight Division in recruit Boxing; active member of the representative Gymnastic Team; highest academic standing for a naval cadet in IV year; Firfst Class honours all four years; Navy pilot; retired from the RCN 31 May 1967.

– member of the Rifle teams at both RRMC & RMC; sea-time included serving with HMCS Saskatchewan; Hochelaga; Columbia; shore-time: CFB Borden – CF School of Administration & Logistics; obtained PhD – Business Administration at UoT.

– 1996-97 winner of the Hadre Cup, symbolic of Windsor & Essex County Secondary School Athletic Association’s (WECSSAA’s) outstanding student-athlete for the A/AA division; recently celebrated 25th FOR THE “SLOWPOKE – 2”.

– “I’ve been retired for 12 or more years. I am now the mayor of our Municipality of Ogden which occupies many waking hours; I also do meals on wheels and other volunteer jobs. Other interests are golf, cross-country skiing and snow-shoeing.”

– an Ontario Scholar; during high school focused on athletics; was selected to attend the High Performance Training Centre in Ontario four consecutive years (2005-2008) and was also a member of the Ontario Summer Games team in 2005; has a goal of becoming a surgeon following RMC.

– is an educator who has been creating and implementing training programs, and speaking in the field of ethical practice and leadership for the past 10 years; he has worked with financial institutions, federal and provincial government departments, the Department of National Defense, professional associations, and training institutes.

– “RMC graduates leaders for the country, not just the military and Canada certainly needs leaders.”

– army brat; played tackle football at CMR; rugby at RMC; just wrapped up impressive three year tour at RMC ; on his way to Ottawa; recently took the plunge and purchased a lifetime membership to the RMC Club.

– served as the Director of CFLI and also Section Head Research; taught sports psycology at RMC while acting as assistant coach to Adam Shell for the 2009-2010 varsity hockey team.

– Graduated 2010 as a member of Frontanac Sqn; known for his 2 year contribution to the athletic program as the head trainer and equipment manager for the varsity hockey team; is finishing up his MARS training in Esquimault, BC.

– grew up in Halifax. Completed a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and currently posted to Shearwater, NS as an Aerospace Engineer Officer; talents include Tae-Kwon Do, Body Building, shredding on his guitar, and off-roading with his Jeep.

– Greenwood, NS is home; was a spirited member of 2 Squadron, and when painted completely red, served as the Squadron Mascot. Completed a degree in Psychology, and currently resides in Trenton, ON where he awaits pilot training; hobbies which include, scuba diving, kite-boarding, skiing, as well as a passion for remote controlled flying machines.

– hails from St. John’s NL, MARS officer posted to Halifax, NS.; was a member of the RMC Women’s Rugby Club, and completed a degree in Psychology.

– from Gimli, Manitoba; is a pilot currently posted to Trenton, he is an avid hunter, fisherman, and outdoorsman. He also enjoys playing music, and has a formidable collection of guitars and other instruments.

– “Bullets constantly going off because there’s always people shooting on ranges and stuff, helicopters and jets coming and going.”

– is a driven, committed athlete who became more serious about fitness after joining the CF; kept a busy schedule at RMC with the climbing club, the triathlon club, being a drill instructor, as well as being a member of the varsity running team; as a IV year – swam four times per week in the mornings, ran five times per week in the afternoons, and biked three times per week in the evenings.

– Comes from Halifax, home of the world’s second largest natural harbour; former manager of the RMC Men’s Basketball team; former member of 12 Sqn, who graduated in 2009 with a degree in Electrical Engineering ; currently lives in Fredricton and is recently wed.

24626 Simon Johnson (RMC 2010) – former rugby player; member of the varsity review committee; recent graduate.

9139 Rick Marsden (CMR RMC 1972) the former head of the Physics Department and Dean of Science; he retired in September 2008; was named a fellow of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society at its annual Congress in 2009.

5251 Marcel Gilbert ( RRMC RMC 1961) – played hockey for the Redmen; earned his BEng at McGill University; served with 437 Squadron; past President RMC Club of Canada – Kingston Branch.

24354 Alan Morgan (RMC 2009) – “Flying around in helicopters all summer, jumping into some of the most rugged terrain in costal B.C., and making ridiculous amounts of money. – Sweet.”

3962 Harry Coutts – had two years under his belt at the University of Windsor prior to RMC; spent five years at the Royal Naval Engineer School in England; served on HMCS Restigouche; Dockyard in Halifax; HMCS Ottawa; Maritime Commanders Staff; Principal Naval Overseer in Montreal – all positions as Engineer Officer of ships or Staff Officer Engineering.

5869 Raymond Coatsworth (RRMC RMC 1963) – following grade 12 started training and work at AVRO Aircraft Ltd, Malton, ON for about 18 months. Following the cancellation of the AVRO Arrow returned to finish up Grade 13; joined HMCS Kootenay about six months following RMC graduation.

6197 Ron O’Donoughue (RMC 1964) – winner of Welterweight Division in recruit Boxing; active member of the representative Gymnastic Team; highest academic standing for a naval cadet in IV year; Firfst Class honours all four years; Navy pilot; retired from the RCN 31 May 1967.

6588 Stephen Arnold (RRMC RMC 1965) – member of the Rifle teams at both RRMC & RMC; sea-time included serving with HMCS Saskatchewan; Hochelaga; Columbia; shore-time: CFB Borden – CF School of Administration & Logistics; obtained PhD – Business Administration at UoT.

21991 Paul Hungler (RMC 2001) – 1996-97 winner of the Hadre Cup, symbolic of Windsor & Essex County Secondary School Athletic Association’s (WECSSAA’s) outstanding student-athlete for the A/AA division; recently celebrated 25th FOR THE “SLOWPOKE – 2”.

6739 Joe Stairs (CMR 1961) – “I’ve been retired for 12 or more years. I am now the mayor of our Municipality of Ogden which occupies many waking hours; I also do meals on wheels and other volunteer jobs.Other interests are golf, cross-country skiing and snow-shoeing.”

25419 Melissa McCoy (RMC 2012) – an Ontario Scholar; during high school focused on athletics; was selected to attend the High Performance Training Centre in Ontario four consecutive years (2005-2008) and was also a member of the Ontario Summer Games team in 2005; has a goal of becoming a surgeon following RMC.

10230 Phil Smith-Eivemark (RRMC RMC 1974) – is an educator who has been creating and implementing training programs, and speaking in the field of ethical practice and leadership for the past 10 years; he has worked with financial institutions, federal and provincial government departments, the Department of National Defense, professional associations, and training institutes.

6604 Jim Carruthers (RRMC RMC 1965) – “RMC graduates leaders for the country, not just the military and Canada certainly needs leaders.”

20627 Hugo Laplante – army brat; played tackle football at CMR; rugby at RMC; just wrapped up impressive three year tour at RMC ; on his way to Ottawa; recently took the plunge and purchased a lifetime membership to the RMC Club.

Jeff Stouffer – served as the Director of CFLI and also Section Head Research; taught sports psycology at RMC while acting as assistant coach to Adam Shell for the 2009-2010 varsity hockey team.

24671 Zach Reed (RMC 2010)- Graduated 2010 as a member of Frontanac Sqn; known for his 2 year contribution to the athletic program as the head trainer and equipment manager for the varsity hockey team; is finishing up his MARS training in Esquimault, BC.

24365 Tom Richard (RMC 2010) – grew up in Halifax. Completed a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and currently posted to Shearwater, NS as an Aerospace Engineer Officer; talents include Tae-Kwon Do, Body Building, shredding on his guitar, and off-roading with his Jeep.

24390 Dustin West (RMC 2009) Greenwood, NS is home; was a spirited member of 2 Squadron, and when painted completely red, served as the Squadron Mascot. Completed a degree in Psychology, and currently resides in Trenton, ON where he awaits pilot training; hobbies which include, scuba diving, kite-boarding, skiing, as well as a passion for remote controlled flying machines.

24407 April Blackwood (RMC 2009) – hails from St. John’s NL, MARS officer posted to Halifax, NS.; was a member of the RMC Women’s Rugby Club, and completed a degree in Psychology.

24373 Josef Sliwinski (RMC 2009) – from Gimli, Manitoba; is a pilot currently posted to Trenton, he is an avid hunter, fisherman, and outdoorsman. He also enjoys playing music, and has a formidable collection of guitars and other instruments.

22862 Jeremy Hiltz (RMC 2004) “Bullets constantly going off because there’s always people shooting on ranges and stuff, helicopters and jets coming and going.”

24590 Dunerci Caceres (RMC 2010) – is a driven, committed athlete who became more serious about fitness after joining the CF; kept a busy schedule at RMC with the climbing club, the triathlon club, being a drill instructor, as well as being a member of the varsity running team; as a IV year – swam four times per week in the mornings, ran five times per week in the afternoons, and biked three times per week in the evenings.

24255 Kyle Spindler (RMC 2009) – Comes from Halifax, home of the world’s second largest natural harbour; former manager of the RMC Men’s Basketball team; former member of 12 Sqn, who graduated in 2009 with a degree in Electrical Engineering ; currently lives in Fredricton and is recently wed.

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