3069 W.A. McColl’s – III Year – 1951: Fire, Fire, Fire @ Panet House Nov 1951

19 Nov 51

Haven’t had much time for this journal this past week but events are such that some of them should be recorded. We played the other two squadron soccer teams and lost both games. I was put on charge for missing a squadron meeting and sure enough was asked out by a girl from Queens. Got around it by applying for my weekend leave and had the charge deferred.

As luck would have it they held a church parade in town on one of the coldest days yet. Inter squadron football has started now that the ground is frozen solid. I turned out today and am now covered with bruises.

For this dance I got a blind date for Ken MacMillan who was horribly afraid of getting a lemon but she turned out to be one of the Queen’s cheerleaders!

Varsity beat the Queen’s intermediates 12-6 in a hard fought game – we should have been playing that one. The Harriers team won the Quebec Provincial Harrier Race.

Tonight we actually had a fire! Yes a real roaring spitting blazing fire. Of course at 2030 hours I just happened to be dozing and didn’t hear the alarm and didn’t believe Stinky MacIntyre when he raced in here to get me up. It started in the Staff Adj’s house and really made a mess of the place – flames pouring out all through the house. The fire picket headed by Ken MacMillan had a lot of fun playing around with their hose before the big trucks arrived. Will report further tomorrow…

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