OCdts. On Parade

Finale de sélection de l’équipe Sandhurst du Collège

par: Paul-Charles Geoffrion-Lockhead

Le samedi 22 janvier dernier a eu lieu l’épreuve finale de sélection de l’équipe Sandhurst du Collège. Par cette belle mais froide matinée, dix-neuf candidats ont concouru dans le but de rejoindre les rangs de cette prestigieuse équipe.

Leur présence ce matin-là était le point culminant de deux semaines d’épreuves intensives destinées à tester leurs capacités physiques et mentales. En effet, ces épreuves servaient à révéler l’endurance et la capacité de raisonner en conditions de stress et de fatigue des candidats. De plus, ceux-ci ont eu à démontrer leur habileté au tir avec la C7 et à faire un peu de maniement d’armes étrangères. Des trente-trois à s’être présentés au début des sélections, seuls dix-neuf se sont rendus à la phase finale.

En quoi cette épreuve finale consistait-elle? Souvenez-vous de votre course à obstacles en première année, mais avec onze obstacles au lieu de treize. Maintenant, imaginez faire la course avec une C7, un webbing et un casque de kevlar par une température hivernale et avec le campus couvert de neige. Pour couronner le tout, disposez les obstacles sur un parcours de 14 kilomètres, placez-en trois sur les pentes autour du fort Henry et vous aurez une petite idée de ce que les candidats ont enduré. Cette épreuve n’était seulement qu’un avant-goût de ce qui les attend à West Point.

L’élof Gallant, capitaine de l’équipe, a déclaré : «Mes attentes sont grandes quant à la saison 2011. L’équipe a beaucoup de potentiel. Je prends mes responsabilités de capitaine d’équipe très à coeur. Je vais tout faire pour que le 16 avril 2011, le Collège militaire royal du Canada remporte pour la 5e fois de son histoire la compétition Sandhurst.» Durant les douze semaines précédant cette date, l’équipe s’entraînera à fond pour faire de ce souhait une réalité.

Bonne chance à l’équipe Sandhurst 2011 :

Élof Gallant ESC 7 24789

Élof Ouellet ESC 7 25434

Élof Jarvis ESC 9 25928

Élof Goddard ESC 10 25926

Élof Ungeitis ESC 8 25733

Élof Peetsma ESC 10 25726

Élof Neppel ESC 5 25573

Élof Ragetli ESC 7 25360

Élof Philp ESC 12 25727

Élof Merriman ESC 10 25197

Élof Blakie ESC 5 25284

Élof Gorsline ESC 12 24961

Élof Stokes ESC 4 24768

Élof Cook ESC 10 25014

Élof Burry ESC 4 24868

2011 Sandhurst Team Selected

By: 25800 Paul-Charles Geoffrion-Lockhead

On Saturday, January 22, the RMC Sandhurst Team held its final tryouts. On this sunny yet cold morning, nineteen candidates competed in order to join the ranks of this prestigious team.

Their presence that morning was the final step of two weeks of intensive tests designed to assess their physical and mental capabilities. Indeed, these tests served to show the endurance and the capacity to think under stressful and tiring conditions of the candidates. What is more, they had to demonstrate their shooting abilities with the C7 rifle and to handle foreign weapons. Out of the thirty-three original candidates to show up at the beginning of the selection process, only nineteen were present at the final tryouts.

What did these final tryouts look like? Remember your first year obstacle course, but with eleven obstacles instead of thirteen. Now, imagine running the obstacle course with a C7, a webbing and a Kevlar helmet in winter temperature and with the campus covered in snow. To top it all, place the obstacles on a 14 kilometre route, with three of them on the slopes surrounding Fort Henry, and you will have a slight idea of what the candidates went through. This was just a taste of is waiting for them in West Point.

The team captain, OCdt Gallant, declared: “My expectations are high regarding the 2011 season. The team has a lot of potential. I take very seriously my responsibilities as team captain. I will do everything so that on April 16, 2011, the Royal Military College of Canada wins the Sandhurst competition for the fifth time in its history. ” In the twelve weeks prior to this day, the team will train intensively to make this wish come true.

Good luck to the 2011 Sandhurst Team :

OCdt Gallant 7 SQN 24789

OCdt Ouellet 7 SQN 25434

OCdt Jarvis 9 SQN 25928

OCdt Goddard 10 SQN 25926

OCdt Ungeitis 8 SQN 25733

OCdt Peetsma 10 SQN 25726

OCdt Neppel 5 SQN 25573

OCdt Ragetli 7 SQN 25360

OCdt Philp 12 SQN 25727

OCdt Merriman 10 SQN 25197

OCdt Blakie 5 SQN 25284

OCdt Gorsline 12 SQN 24961

OCdt Stokes 4 SQN 24768

OCdt Cook 10 SQN 25014

OCdt Burry 4 SQN 24868


Kingston Branch Enjoys Large Crowd and Enjoyable Activities on Rescheduled Luncheon Day

The monthly luncheon for the Kingston Branch for the month of February had a different twist this time around.  First of all, it was held on the second Wednesday of the month instead of the regular first Wednesday.  This was due to a bad storm in the Kingston area on 2 Feb.

This luncheon was open to spouses, partners and special guests, and many took the opportunity to share this monthly fraternalism – including the commandant, Commodore Bill Truelove and his wife Brenda.

The RMC mountaineering team was present to share their experiences with members, on their recent mountain conquest in Argentina. Next goal – Kilimanjaro! OCdts – Anthony Matlock, Oliver Smith and Joseph Afonso gave a brief account of their recent experience and hopes for the future.

A presentation of $5,000 from the Kingston Branch to the RMC Museum Operations fund was made by Reg Watts, Branch President to Rod McDonald, the new EV-P of the RMC Foundation. The Branch is leading a nationwide fund-raising campaign among other branches and class reps to meet the goal of $80,000, and this gift was our kickoff to the campaign.

All in all, the February event had a very good turnout, in spite of the fact that at this time of year many of the “regulars” are off to places sunny & warm. (Read Australia, Mexico, Florida etc.)

A number of new faces along with many of the “usual suspects” were caught by our e-Veritas cameraman – OCdt Dan Flemming just prior to the serving of the meal and the formal presentations.

The high-light of the day was the Guest Speaker – LCol Dalton Cote who described several aspects of his recent peacekeeping mission in Sudan. His presentation was highly professional, very informative and much appreciated by the large crowd in attendance.

All Ex cadets and members of the RMC Club, in the Kingston area, are invited to attend these highly popular and well run luncheons.  The next one is schedule for March 2.


See much more on the activities of the Kingston Branch – Here


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