Editor’s Note: The following was submitted by 8790 Jean Boyle.
Job Board
An international US based IT/Network/Server company seeks a Business Development lead:
– RMC Grad with engineering background;
– CELE branch experience highly desirable but not essential;
– Prepared to work in Ottawa.
Competitive remuneration with 70/30% salary/bonus structure.
Send resume In Confidence to [email protected].
Editor’s Note: The articles included below do not represent all military college alumni in the news. If you know of a news-worthy individual that we missed or you’d like to add a story of your own, please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you. // Note de l’éditrice: Les articles inclus ci-dessous ne représentent pas tous les anciens étudiants des collèges militaires dans les nouvelles. Si vous connaissez une personne digne des nouvelles que nous avons manquée ou si vous souhaitez ajouter une histoire de votre choix, contactez-nous à [email protected]. Merci.
Fighting the Good Fight
22575 Laura Laycock
Australia Day Honours List: Charles MacLachlan recognised with an Public Service Medal
18860 Charles MacLachlan
Campaign to end sexual harassment in Canadian Armed Forces shut down
21554 Eleanor Taylor / 16538 Wayne Eyre
CAF will ‘re-establish trust’ after sexual misconduct allegations: Eyre
16538 Wayne Eyre
Letters to the editor: Saluting a courageous stand against abuse in the Canadian military
21554 Eleanor Taylor / 12570 Mike Kennedy
Bird strike caused engine failure that led to Kamloops Snowbirds crash: report
G4324 John Alexander
Canada on track to pick new fighter jet next year despite COVID-19
17557 Troy Crosby
Senior military commander under investigation after being accused of sexually assaulting subordinate
A162 Michel Drapeau
Aurora Block 4 milestone marked at 404 Squadron
22679 Angie Thomas
Article (page 1)
Op UNIFIER Military Police Training Group OC reflects on challenges, successes
27229 Nicole Behnke
Article (page 3)
Le Mgén Fortin fait le point sur l’Opération VECTOR / MGen Fortin provides an update on Operation VECTOR
17125 Dany Fortin
Article (page 13)
Une page d’histoire pour le CMR Saint-Jean / A page of history for RMC Saint-Jean
Marina Sharpe & Mulry Mondélice, Professor of international studies at the RMC Saint-Jean
U/K Jesse Moran / 28466 Ophélia Bonanni-Surprenant
International Women’s Week celebrated at 17 Wing
21951 Geneviève Dussault
Article (page 9)
Anti-masker condo dispute shows difficulty of enforcing condo mask policies, says lawyer
14435 Michael Gibson
The death of Capt Casey was certainly a tragic event especially given the mission of the tour but it is sad that no one in Flight Safety took the time during the report preparation/release to proof read/spell check the 2nd para first line! What is a power ‘loose’?