Commandant’s Corner

Commodore William S. Truelove O.M.M., C.D. With the very successful Ex Cadet weekend and Thanksgiving behind us already, let me again express my thanks to all those who have worked so hard to get the College off to a great start for the 2010/11 year. Let me also thank Bill and Rolande Oliver for the…

200th anniversary of Mexican Independence, and the 100th anniversary of the Mexican Revolution & Much More

Cadets help celebrate 200th anniversary of Mexican Independence, and the 100th anniversary of the Mexican Revolution By: 24768 Matt Stokes Anniversaries are an important aspect of military tradition, and give a chance to celebrate the history and heritage of years gone by, a fact that CF members know well with 2010 commemorating the Centennial of…

Victoria Edwards In Conversation With Don Ludlow – CWC 1990

E3161 Victoria Edwards (RMC 2005) interviewed 17362 Don Ludlow (RMC 1990), who was the RMC Cadet Wing Commander (CWC) in 1990. E-veritas: What are your memories of being CWC? 17362 Don Ludlow: I remember having a great time and learning a great deal as CWC. We had a great team of class leaders/barmen in our…

Varsity Sports & More

Men’s Basketball OUA- Men’s Basketball CIS – Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball OUA – Women’s Basketball CIS – Women’s Basketball Men’s and Women’s Running OUA – Cross Country CIS Men’s Running / CIS Women’s Running Men’s and Women’s Fencing OUA – Fencing Hockey OUA- Men’s Hockey CIS – Men’s Hockey Rugby OUA – Men’s Rugby Men’s…

Catching Up With the News

I was a first year cadet at RMC (Royal Military College) and she really did not want to burden our family or worry anyone. She likely suffered living with … Article _______________________________ Hillier slams ‘field marshal wannabes’ in revised edition of his memoir “Folks at foreign affairs or even the mounted police used to be…

Where are they now?

16449 LCol Jason E. King (RMC 1988) is Commandant of the Peace Support Training Centre (PSTC). The mission of the PSTC is to provide specific, individual training to prepare selected DND, OGD and foreign military personnel for Full-Spectrum Operations (FSO). He attended the Royal Military College in Kingston graduating in 1988 with a Bachelor of…

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

Photo  Les élèves-officiers du CMR Saint-Jean participent à un exercice d’observation à Farnham, le 2 octobre 2010. (Crédit Photo : Élof 25858 Ian Gutz) Les pieds dans l’air et la tête dans la boue. – un article du 26090 Éléve-officier Alexis Strozynski. C’est en cette fin de semaine du 2 et 3 octobre 2010 que…

Ottawa Branch – Formal Dinner – 4 November – Plan Now To Attend!

X X X Accompanied Annual Formal Dinner (bring your spouse or “significant other”) When: Thursday 4 November – at 18:00 for 19:00 Where: Army Officers Mess 149 Somerset Street West Price: $65 per person with wine; $60 per person without wine Guest speaker: *No Guest Speaker ***To register, send cheque payable to “RMC Club of Canada…

Class of 1986 Off the Mark for 2011 Pretty Quick

Careers | Carrières & Births | naissances

x x ___________________________ Logistics Supervisor / Superviseur Logistique – North of Quebec – XSTRATA NICKEL Mine Raglan (min. exp. 5 years) Software Developer / Développeur logiciel – Montreal – Stelvio (min. exp. 3 years) Project Manager (on-site) / Chargé de projet – Chantier – Chicoutimi – Groupe Réfraco (min. exp. 5 years) Engineer (Technical Supervisor)…

Remembering – Major (Ret’d) Father Jacques Marcoux

A Tribute to a Friend, Priest and Leader. Co-authored by Merv Valadares, Dave Benoit and Pierre Marcoux On Monday 29 July 2002, Major (Retired) Father Jacques Marcoux, former RC Chaplain at RMC from 1990-1996, passed away after a valiant fight with lung cancer. His funeral mass was held on Friday, 02 August in St-Charles Parish…

We get emails

That was exceptionally fast release of e-Veritas’ ex-cadet weekend review! Congrats to you and your staff. I very much enjoyed Friday’s class of ’70 events and the parade on Saturday. Further participation was reluctantly postponed to 2015. Next reunion is our old Brigade entry point so should be very well attended. Perhaps there should be…
