Notices | Avis

A Sitrep from the RMC Club Foundation • 2364 Leonard Birchall Pavilion • Class Gifts from 1973 & 2001 • Giving Stock to RMC to fully offset capital gains taxes The 2364 Leonard Birchall Pavilion Project A Success! The Leonard Bichall Pavilion Project is now fully funded…and then some! With a new gift of $16,000…

Top Headlines | À la une

Paladins Fall Short In Play-off Drive Carr Harris Game Wraps Up Season By: WJO The Paladins failed in their bid to make the play-offs. Despite competing toe to toe with the better teams in the OUA for the best part of the season, RMC ran into an extended scoring drought when it counted most. In…

Flashback | Rétrospective

History carved in stone Lieutenant General Sir Archibald Cameron Macdonell enjoyed lengthy and important service with the militia, the North West Mounted Police and through two wars. He was a graduate of Royal Military College (No. 151) who later rose to commandant of the college.

What’s Happening At RMC | Que se passe-t-il au CMR?

Varsity running making a comeback at RMC By Captain Paule Poulin “The return of the RMC varsity running team means that I can focus more on improving my running with constant mentorship from a first-hand coach,” stated II OCdt Jacob Thivers who is trying out for the team. RMC is bringing back its varsity running…

Catching Up With the News | Se remettre au courant

RMC Cadet wins Prestigious Award at Leadership Conference; Compétition de programmation extrême; TOURNOI DE BALLON SUR GLACE DU CLUB DES CMR CMR SAINT-JEAN; Former Hockey Paladin Matt Pierce Now Playing In Knoxville; Sometimes war is necessary

Ex-Cadets in the News | Anciens dans les nouvelles

11275 Major-General Marc Lessard (CMR 1977) took over leadership on Feb 2, 2008 of Regional Command South, the designation given by the International Security Assistance Force to Afghanistan’s six southernmost provinces. Lessard joined the Canadian Forces under the Regular Officer Training Plan and graduated from the Collège Militaire Royal in Saint-Jean with a degree…

Where are they now? | Où sont-ils/elles?

Cadets Called Him – Mister Tripp By: WJO “I have very fond memories of Mister Tripp. As a former CWTO and hockey player, I felt a special connection with him. He coached my drill commands in the long days leading up to Ex-Cadet ceremonies, with only short interruptions to bust my chops about being a…


10808 James (Jim) V Brooks (CMR 1976); M0613 Jean Charlebois (RRMC RMC 1993); 10113 Mike E Hanrahan (RMC 1974); M0817 Craig E Meyers (RMC 2001); 19348 Vincent Horne (RMC 1994); 8561 Randy “Shakey” J Palmer (RRMC RMC 1970); M0778 LT(N) Sean Hand (RMC 2000); 17389 Todd TA Smart (RMC 1990); 19206 Ariane MCGA McCormack (nee…


Leader’s Edge Newsletter: February 2008 A free monthly newsletter with practical advice about world-class leadership and robust management. Presented by 14797 Richard Martin (CMR 1985), founder and president of Alcera Consulting Inc.

We get emails | Nous recevons des courriels

  Following is a commentary on the important Prestige Decision of January 2, 2008 on pollution with reference to where it can be found on my website as well as the decision. RCNC 145 Bill Tetley Re: The Prestige – An important international court decision

In This Issue 4/2008 – Dans ce numéro 4/2008

Who said – “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” – 2Lt Kayne Carr just days before he leaves for Gagetown has been teaching an old dog, aka Bill Oliver how to do some of the technical side of putting out the e-Veritas. Although the “Old Dog” has not mastered all the tricks he…
