Military to study Grozelle death; Board of inquiry to review investigations
“A tragedy occurred here, and it was a tragedy for the family, for the Royal Military College and for the Canadian Forces,” – RMC commandant Brig.-Gen Tom LawsonBy Ian Elliot – Kingston Whig Standard
The military has announced a board of inquiry that will look into the mysterious death of Royal Military College cadet Joe Grozelle in 2003. The decision comes six months after a coroner’s jury failed to find a cause, time or place of the 21-year-old cadet’s death and found the circumstances surrounding the death “undetermined.”
4243 Peter Robison (RRMC 1958)
Peter Robinson, CEO of The David Suzuki Foundation, was appointed the third chancellor of Royal Roads University (RRU). Robinson, a graduate of RRU and chairman of the board, brings his family history at RRU full circle with the appointment. His father, 4243 Peter Robinson Sr. was a cadet graduate at Royal Roads Military College in the 1950s.