RMC varsity teams are looking for e-Veritas readers to help identify “suspect – student-athletes”.
You may ask, “What the heck is a suspect student-athlete?”
Profile of a “suspect student-athlete”
a) He / she has the athletic skill / talent (or potential) to make a varsity team;
If you or someone you know is aware of a young man or young woman send particulars to the RMC varsity coach. E-MAIL OR PHONE 613 -541-6000 ( THE LOCAL PHONE NUMBER OF EACH COACH IS LISTED NEAR HIS / HER NAME & SPORT) The coach will follow-up to provide information and determine interest – including a plan which will help determine if the “suspect” has the academic potential to succeed at RMC.
“Student – Athlete Suspects” should meet at least seven of the 10 criteria:
1. Plays RMC sport at an “elite” level during his / her high school years;
2. History of being a responsible person;
3. Potentially motivated towards RMC & Canadian Forces;
4. History of being involved in community / school / church / activities (2 out of 3);
5. Demonstrated good work ethic in full / part-time/ volunteer positions;
6. Dynamic and steadfast;
7. Thrives on challenges;
8. Potentially academically solid;
9. Excellent time-management skills; and
10. Has what it takes to be a potential “leader”.
Coordinates of RMC varsity coaches (RMC phone 613 541-6000 x see below:)
Kevin McGuire
Men’s Basketball Coach Entraîneur chef basket-ball masculin
6665 |
Brad Schur |
Women’s Basketball Coach Entraîneur chef basket-ball feminin
8738 |
Patricia Howes |
Fencing Head Coach Entraîneur chef escrime
3891 |
Adam Shell |
Hockey Coach Entraîneur chef hockey
6377 |
Sean McDonaugh
Rugby Coach Entraîneur chef rugby
6678 |
Victor Mendes
Men’s Soccer Coach Entraîneur chef soccer masculin
3915 |
Chad Beaulieu
Women’s Soccer Head Coach Entraîneur chef soccer feminin
3914 |
Joel Ridley |
Taekwondo Coach Entraîneur chef Taekwondo
8740 |
Steve Leknois
Men’s Volleyball Coach Entraîneur chef volley-ball masculin
3913 |
Carolyn Welden |
Women’s Volleyball Coach Entraîneur chef volley-ball feminin
3912 |
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Congratulations to Capt François Allaire
Félicitations au Capt François Allaire