What We’re Reading – eVeritas Book Club

If you’ve read something lately that you think would be of interest to other alumni, please consider submitting a book review. We’ll publish a selection of submissions throughout the year and devote the June edition of e-Veritas to book reviews. Find the criteria for your submission here.  Alumni Authors: New Canadian Military/Adventure Novel On September…

RMC Alumni Association eVeritas Book Club/ Club de lecture eVeritas de l’Association des ancien(ne)s des CMR

If you’ve read something lately that you think would be of interest to other alumni, please consider submitting a book review. We’ll publish a selection of submissions throughout the year and devote the June edition of e-Veritas to book reviews.

Alumni Authors – 12476 Pierre-Paul Pharand CMR 1978 – Un roman policier à saveur militaire!

Article shared from the Corporation du Fort St-Jean Facebook Page L’auteur 12476 Pierre-Paul Pharand CMR 1978 avait soigneusement choisi un endroit tout indiqué pour procéder au lancement de son premier livre. Ancien diplômé des Forces armées canadiennes ayant servi comme officier, M. Pharand a tout de suite identifié le Vieux Mess du Collège militaire royal…

If I Knew Then What I Know Now… Class of 1979 Memories Available for Purchase

Article submitted by 12352 Chris Willmes  This fall, the Class of 1979, a.k.a. the TDV79ers — the only class in history to provide the CAF with two Chiefs of the Defence Staff! — will join the Old Brigade. To mark this momentous and historical event in a truly unique fashion, the class is producing a…
