The Cohort
Col (Ret’d) Chuck Oliviero (Class of 76) has just released his fourth book, but unlike the previous three, this time Chuck has written a novel, his first. The Cohort is the story of Colonel Amadeus Ignazio “Skip” Schiaparelli and his life after leaving the Canadian Army. An Ex Cadet, and career Army officer, Skip abandons a promising career with no warning. He is soon hunted down by an ex-US Army Intelligence officer, who invites him to create a special operations unit that will work with and for the US government. Initially skeptical, Skip is eventually persuaded and builds a small, hand-picked team of men with extraordinary skills and a willingness to live by the ethos that Skip internalized during his years at RMC. The journey takes us on a twisting path of brotherhood, trust, deceit, risk and adventure, all the while leaving the reader wondering if the bonds that tie Skip to his men can sustain the stresses of international terrorism, physical risk and national security.
Kindle Version: https://www.amazon.ca/Cohort-Trust-Betrayal-Charles-Oliviero-ebook/dp/B0DHWD344S
Paperback Copy: https://www.amazon.ca/Cohort-Betrayal-Charles-S-Oliviero/dp/1990644880
“Fighting Spirit: The Profession of Arms in Canada”
Fighting Spirit: The Profession of Arms in Canada” stands as a new capstone doctrine publication for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). Published in 2024 under the auspices of the Chief of the Defence Staff and the Canadian Defence Academy, this publication represents a comprehensive guide to understanding the profession of arms in Canada. It is essential reading for anyone involved in the Canadian military profession, providing an in-depth exploration of the values, ethos, and professional standards expected of Canadian military personnel.
Read the full publication here EN: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/reports-publications/fighting-spirit.html
L’Esprit combatif : la profession des armes au Canada est une nouvelle publication de doctrine-cadre destinée aux Forces armées canadiennes (FAC). Publiée en 2024 sous l’égide du Chef d’état-major de la défense et de l’Académie canadienne de la défense, cette publication constitue un guide complet permettant de comprendre la profession des armes au Canada. Il s’agit d’une lecture essentielle pour quiconque participe à la profession militaire canadienne. On y offre une exploration approfondie des valeurs, de l’éthos et des normes professionnelles attendues des militaires canadiens.
No Names, No Packdrill: An Oral History of Canadians at War in Afghanistan
Author: Steve MacBeth (RMC Masters of Defence Studies, Strategic Studies 2013)
Not yet released, pre launch
“No Names, No Packdrill: An Oral History of Canadians at War in Afghanistan”, is a collection of anonymous interviews with over one hundred Canadian Afghan veterans. Covering the mission between 2003-2014, it follows individual stories that take the reader through a ‘ tour of duty’. From the personal motivation of these veterans to join the Canadian Army, training, their feelings as they learned they would deploy into conflict, initial impressions on the ground, first contact with the enemy, living the grind of deployed life, shared experiences with our Afghan partners, to getting home and their reflections on what, for many, is the formative experience of their lives. These stories are told in the words of the veteran; perfectly-imperfect language that relays their experiential perspective of Canada’s longest war. **profits from the book will be donated to support Veteran Homelessness**