RMC 1979 A
















  1. J. R. Digger MacDougall on January 20, 2023 at 1:55 pm

    The photo from Royal Roads shows a rifle team with the Staff Member H. R. Russ Gardner MC CD. Russ was a hero among heroes. He was awarded the MC in Korea and even Danny Loomis said it was a superbly earned MC, for true valour.
    Russ was my first CO after I rebadged from Armoured to Personnel Selection in 1970. Russ commanded CFPSU Toronto and I was posted in from the Tactics Division at the Combat Arms School where I was OC Jr NCO School. Russ was a brilliant officer, a great leader and a highly competent CO. I learned so much from him and he continued to be a great mentor to me as I continued in my new career field.
    I am delighted to see his photo. He, as a Lt, and his Patrol Sgt were ordered on a snatch patrol to get a North Korean prisoner. The patrol lasted 3 days and was completed only when Russ called down fire on his own position. His story was the cover story of the Toronto Star Weekly back in the latter 1950s.

    One more comment: That’s my class (1961) marching off the square following the graduation parade on which the new College and Queen’s Colours were presented and trooped. This was a first since 1936 the last time of such ceremonies. Sixty-one + years ago, I was one of the guys carrying a sword that day, one of the proudest of my life.

    If there any RMC or CMR students, N/Cdts or O/Cdts are reading this here is a very strong recommendation:
    Get involved or engaged at your respective college in the RELILIENCE + and ANTIFRAGILITY PROGRAM to complete your individual leadership development program. You will never regret making the effort. This program of the Military Psychology and Leadership Department has received the highest endorsements of senior officers.

  2. Pete Kendell on January 20, 2023 at 5:07 pm

    I served with Russ Gardner at Royal Roads and enjoyed sailing with him on his boat. He was a real gentleman. Very surprised that he was awarded a MC for duty in Korea. Just goes to show that he was modest too as he never mentioned it. Thanks for the insight Digger.

  3. 11564 Shag Southen on January 20, 2023 at 6:51 pm

    Thanks for that introduction Digger! That is the Royal Roads Rifle Team of 1974/1975 and yes indeed that is Major Russ Gardner. He also hosted some of us (maybe all of us?) to his home, where we shot indoors into a snail-shaped bullet trap. Just .22 LR IIRC.

    Back row, left to right, PO2 Booth of the drill staff, Al Markewiecz, Ken Zelenka, Jim Waggott, Mark Broscheit, Major Gardner

    Front row Gary Nijman, ?, Joel ?, ?, me (Doug aka Shag Southen)

    Two of those guys could shoot: Al and Ken (aka Fernando). I enjoy shooting, but mostly it was a good deke to avoid strenuous sports…..

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