Photo of the week by Curtis Maynard
A tip of the hat to the following members who just recently updated their Club membership status: Chapeau aux membres suivants qui ont tout récemment mis à jour leur adhésion au Club: RCNC 90 John F Frank; RCNC 209 Bruce Wilson; 3619 Michael Grunwell; 3378 Lorne C Smith; 4296 Pierre Bédard;4838 James F Morwick – Lifetime membership; 4846 Geoffrey D Richardson; 6587 W Doug Armstrong; 7311 Bryan E Stephenson; 7769 Michael Lawrance;
8131 Thomas W Henry.
Club Membership Info Join, Update or Renew ‘Now’
In This Issue 14:
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Class Notes
Direct from Panet House – Club Membership Fees Just Became Less Expensive
Ex-Cadets in the News
5780 Colonel (ret) Bernard Laliberté: Extraordinary Humanitarian
Who Is He? Who are they?
RRMC Memories: Fishing in the RRMC Lakes
Sailing at the Canadian Military Colleges
Training for the “M”: Incoming Top 5 Setting the Bar High
The Week That Was at RMCC…
Not a Pillar but Pretty Close…
Careers / Carrières
Part IV The Reality of Battle – The Italian Campaign –
2761 Colonel Syd Frost: Northern Italy – Italian Maps
“It wasn’t afraid of the water…” Jim realized,
on the verge of panic. “It just can’t swim.”
Today passed quickly-no exams and a long tedious drill parade
to let the seniors practice passing off while we stood at the slope
Look, look, UPDATED 10 April
Lundy’s Lane July 25 Celebration
PWOR Committed to Restoring Kingston’s Cross of Sacrifice
Juno Beach Centre Association Notice:
In honour of the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings, the Juno Beach Centre Association is paying tribute to the Canadians who lost their lives on June 6, 1944.
Dr David Baird Book – Physics at RMC, The First 125 Years. (1876 to 2001)
Business Section
“I was no chief and never had been, but because I had been more deeply wronged than others, this honour was conferred upon me, and I resolved to prove worthy of the trust.”
“I cannot think that we are useless or God would not have created us. There is one God looking down on us all. We are all the children of one God. The sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.”
Geronimo – dates & places of quotes unkown
Geronimo “one who yawns”; June 1829 – February 17, 1909 was a prominent leader of the Bedonkohe Apache who fought against Mexico and the United States for their expansion into Apache tribal lands for several decades during the Apache Wars. “Geronimo” was the name given to him during a battle with Mexican soldiers. Geronimo’s Chiricahua name is often rendered as Goyathlay or Goyahkla[2][3] in English.
After a Mexican attack on his tribe, where soldiers killed his mother, wife, and his three children in 1851, Geronimo joined a number of revenge attacks against the Mexicans.[4] During his career as a war chief, he was notorious for consistently leading raids upon Mexican provinces and towns, and later against Anglo settlements across Arizona, New Mexico and Western Texas.[5]
In 1886, after a lengthy pursuit, Geronimo surrendered to US authorities as a prisoner of war. At an old age, he became a celebrity; appearing in fairs[6] but was never allowed to return to the land of his birth. He later regretted his surrender and claimed that the US government had broken the promises made to secure it. Geronimo died in 1909 from complications of pneumonia at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.