
Photo: 26659 OCdt (II) Danielle Andela – Click, click for better viewing.

For everyone who will be in the Kingston area (RMCC) – plan on taking in the official opening The Point Frederick War of 1812 Commemorative Walk – 5 Sep – In Front of Panet House – 3:30PM  followed by a short social in the SSM.

In This Issue 32:

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To search for an individual: type their name into the search bar and press the ‘enter’ key.

Qu’est-ce qui se passe au CMR Saint-Jean

Ex-Cadets in the News

What are these 24 up to these days…

Class Notes

3115 John Nanton [Tony] Clark & the Medals of:78 Herbert Colborne Nanton

The Way It Was In Photos

Who Am I – (2)?

The Week That Was…Staff Perspective

The Week That Was… Cadet Perspective

FYOP – End of Week One…

Late Summer Musings: II, III, IV Year Cadets…

Arctic Expedition: Hands-on Leadership Training


Deaths | Décès


Reunion Weekend Schedules & Paws Fur Thought Campaign

Hello Class of 2017

Soon to be available book: PHYSICS AT RMC

Jobs – Careers / Carrières


A tip of the hat to the following members who just recently updated their Club membership status: Chapeau aux membres suivants qui ont tout récemment mis à jour leur adhésion au Club:

3480 Hewitt Morrison; 9619 Jules Thibault – Lifetime Membership; 11509 Ken Joseph – Lifetime Membership; 26470 Stanley K Williams – Lifetime Membership.

Club Membership Info Join, Update or Renew ‘Now’




All Old Brigaders please note that when you are registering, by telephone, e-mail, etc, for the Reunion Weekend – Old Brigade Dinner, you are asked to make a choice of Entrée from the following:


Choice of Entrée

Chicken Cordon Bleu

Herb Encrusted Prime Rib

Trio Cheese Lasagna (vegetarian)

You are further requested to advise whether you have any food allergies which we may take into account. If you have not already done so, please advise Panet House Staff – [email protected] 1-888 – 386-3762

At “press time” we still require meal confirmation from:

2612 Michael Webber; 3169 Bill Smallwood; 3352 Jim Sauvageau; H3356 Robin Cumine; 3389 Colin Campbell; H3439 Doug Youngson; 4381 Robert Moulton; 4603 Colin Sangster; 4610 Allan (Gus) Nelson; 5702 John Barton; 5706 David Douglas; 5722 Bill Jeffers; 5758 Michael Morres; 5869 Raymond Coatsworth; 5893 Thomas Gee; 5923 James McNeill; 7561 Keith Lockett; 7567 Gregory Trimble; 7612 Harold Bolton; 7644 James Crosby; 7679 Kenneth Mansfield; 7736 Reg DeLong; 7740 Hans Etzel; 7759 Jens Jensen.

If you are being accompanied, please include the meal information for the guest too!

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