For the students and alumni of Canada’s military colleges | Pour les étudiant(e)s et ANCIEN(NE)S des Collèges militaires du Canada


Bringing Him Home: the story of the repatriation of an unknown Newfoundland Soldier

Article shared from The Maple Leaf  By: Captain Jordan Mitchell, Task Force PAO Operation Distinction-Repatriation of an unknown Newfoundland Soldier On May 25, a delegation of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members flew to Normandy, France as part Operation DISTINCTION to bring home the remains of a Newfoundland Soldier who died in the First World War and was never identified.…

Golden Oldies

Paying Tribute to our Military and Academic Staff Members CMR 1965 RMC 1989 RMC 1993 RRMC 1995 RMC 1999 RMC  2015



Senator Joseph A. Day, CMR RMC 1968 Monday, May 27th, we mourn the passing of our beloved Joe, ‘JoJo’ to his four grandchildren. Joe was a devoted husband, father, grandfather, and friend. He was known for his unconditional love for his family, his kind words for everyone, and his unwavering loyalty. Joe grew up in…
