Officer Cadet Alex Brousseau is giving blood during the Hema Quebec blood donation clinic at RMC St-Jean on January 13. Not only the officer cadets but the local community were encouraged to give the gift of life by donating blood to those in need. PHOTO CDREDIT: Officer Cadet Ho
The Gift of Life
– An article by Officer Cadet Patrick Saumure
RMC St-Jean holds many activities and events to allow not only the officer cadets but also the local population to come together and give a hand to those in need. On January 13, the College opened up its doors to Hema Quebec, an organization that collects blood from donors, the blood that is donated is then transferred to hospitals and provided to patients who need blood transfusions. The officer cadets were encouraged to give blood and help out and that is just what they did. Giving back to the community is an important part of an officer cadets’ duty.
Giving blood is an amazing thing, we might not know who it will be going to or where but we hope that our blood will help keep someone alive who is in need. This event proved that the officer cadets here who donated blood understood that it is our duty to help when we can and that a simple gesture of donating blood can go a long way in someone’s life.
Here at RMC St-Jean, officer cadets are taught valuable lessons to further their careers in the Canadian Armed Forces and one of the most valuable lessons one can learn is that when someone needs help, it is our duty to extend our hands and do everything in our power to help. This event that was held here on campus was an opportunity for the community to come together and give back, those who gave blood understood the fact that when you give blood, you give life. We thank everyone who came out to help and most importantly we thank those who gave blood, because of you someone can live their life.
Photo 1 : Ce mercredi matin dernier, les étudiants étrangers du CMR Saint-Jean ont eux la chance de présenter à tour de rôle leur pays d’origine aux autres élèves officiers ainsi qu’à la commandante du collège. Sur cette photo, on reconnait l’étudiant étranger Itseng Nfila lors de sa présentation portant sur le Botswana, son pays d’origine. /Last Wednesday morning, Royal Military College Saint-Jean (RMC Saint-Jean) Foreign Students had the opportunity of presenting their home country to the other officer cadets and the Commandant. Here on the photo, Foreign Student Itseng Nfila during her presentation on Botswana, her home country.
Crédit photo : Mario Poirier
Les étudiants étrangers du CMR Saint-Jean nous font découvrir leurs pays d’origine
– Un article de l’Élève-officier Antoine Viscardi
Ce mercredi matin dernier, les étudiants étrangers du CMR Saint-Jean ont eux la chance de présenter à tour de rôle leur pays d’origine aux autres élèves officiers ainsi qu’au commandant du Collège. L’évènement s’est déroulé dans le Grand Fort au CMR Saint-Jean.
Les six étudiants étrangers du CMR Saint-Jean ont su capter l’attention de leur auditoire grâce à leurs présentations portant sur leurs pays d’origine respectifs. Ce fut un évènement fort enrichissant d’un point de vu culturelle puisque les élèves officiers ont pu en apprendre beaucoup sur les mœurs et les coutumes de pas moins de six pays : la Colombie, présentée par le Sous-lieutenant Jaimes; le Botswana, présenté par le Sous-lieutenant Nfila; le Bénin, présenté par l’Élève-officier N’dah Sekou; la Jamaïque, présentée par l’Élève-officier McDonald; la Thaïlande, présentée par le Sous-lieutenant Thitikul; et, finalement, le Sénégal, présenté par l’ Élève-officier Sané.
Cet évènement s’inscrit bien dans la composante du bilinguisme du curriculum du Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean qui comprend aussi les études, le leadership et le sport. En effet, il y a eu des présentations autant en anglais qu’en français. De plus, l’ouverture sur les autres langues et d’abord et avant tout une ouverture sur les autres cultures. Quoi de mieux qu’un évènement comme celui-ci pour encourager les élèves officiers du CMR Saint-Jean à garder un esprit ouvert sur les autres nations?
On 15 January, Royal Military College Saint-Jean (RMC Saint-Jean) Foreign Students had the opportunity to present their home country to the other officer cadets and the Commandant. The event was held in the Grand Fort at RMC Saint-Jean.
The six foreign students captivated their audience with presentations on their respective home countries. This event was culturally enriching as officer cadets had the opportunity to learn a lot about habits and customs of no less than six countries: Colombia, presented by Second-Lieutenant Jaimes; Botswana, presented by Second-Lieutenant Nfila; Benin, presented by Officer Cadet N’dah Sekou; Jamaica, presented by Officer Cadet McDonald; Thailand, presented by Second-Lieutenant Thitikul; and finally, Senegal, presented by Officer Cadet Sané.
This event falls within the bilingualism component of the RMC Saint-Jean curriculum (the others being academics, leadership and sports), as presentations were made in English and French. Also, being open to other cultures is the premise for learning new languages. There is nothing better than an event such as this one to keep a culturally open mind!
Photo 2 : Les six étudiants étrangers du CMR Saint-Jean ont su capter l’attention de leur auditoire grâce à leurs présentations portant sur leurs pays d’origine respectifs. Voici une photo prise lors de la présentation de l’étudiant étranger Pervis McDonald qui portait sur son pays d’origine, la Jamaïque. / The six foreign students captivated their audience with presentations on their respective home countries. This Picture was taken during foreign student Pervis McDonald’s presentation on Jamaica, his home country.
Crédit photo : Mario Poirier