Courtesy of RMC Public Affairs
RMC recognizes the remarkable accomplishments of RMC’s first African-Canadian graduate: Scott Crowley!
Scott is Regional Managing Partner of Advisory Services, for Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes, at MNP: the fifth largest Accounting, Consulting and Tax professional services firm in Canada.
For over 25 years, Scott has been effectively designing, implementing and advising on risk management, internal controls, business resilience and performance improvement for a diverse range of organizations and industries, including the aviation industry.
Amongst many of his accomplishments, as both leader and member of executive teams, Scott has previously facilitated the development of solutions to potential risks and threats to an organization ensuring the security of 80,000 employees.
Scott joined the infantry reserves in 1979, RMC in 1981 and graduated in 1986. He operated as an Aerospace Engineering Officer and flight test engineer, obtained his MBA while serving, and deployed on operations before retiring from the CAF in 1995.
Today, he is making a difference as a proud Canadian and Ex-RMC Cadet – a difference in helping numerous Canadian companies facing significant challenges during the world pandemic.
Scott is indeed yet another remarkable graduate of RMC who has become a true and proven leader – first serving the CAF and Canada – now serving Canadians in very uncertain times.
Bravo Scott!
Gracieuseté des Affaires publiques du CMR
Le CMR reconnaît les réalisations remarquables du premier diplômé afro-canadien du CMR : Scott Crowley!
Scott est associé directeur régional des Services consultatifs pour l’Ontario, le Québec et les Maritimes, chez MNP : le cinquième plus grand cabinet de services professionnels en comptabilité, en consultation et en fiscalité au Canada.
Pendant plus de 25 ans, Scott a conçu, mis en œuvre et conseillé efficacement dans les domaines de la gestion des risques, des contrôles internes, de la résilience des entreprises et de l’amélioration des performances pour un large éventail d’organisations et de secteurs, y compris l’industrie aéronautique.
Parmi ses nombreuses réalisations, en tant que dirigeant et membre d’équipes de direction, Scott a déjà facilité l’élaboration de solutions pour les risques et menaces potentiels pour une organisation assurant la sécurité de 80 000 employés.
Scott s’est enrôlé dans l’infanterie de la Réserve en 1979, a étudié au CMR à partir de 1981 et a obtenu son diplôme en 1986. Il a travaillé comme officier du génie aérospatial et ingénieur d’essai en vol; il a obtenu son MBA pendant son service et a participé à des opérations de déploiement avant de prendre sa retraite des FAC en 1995.
Aujourd’hui, il fait une différence en tant que fier Canadien et ancien élève-officier du CMR — une différence qui permet d’aider de nombreuses entreprises canadiennes qui sont confrontées à des défis importants pendant la pandémie mondiale.
En effet, Scott est un autre diplômé remarquable du CMR qui est devenu un véritable leader qui a fait ses preuves — d’abord au service des FAC et du Canada — et maintenant au service des Canadiens pendant cette période d’incertitude.
Proud to be a fellow RMC alumnus with Scott Crowley.
7855 Paul Hession
Worked with Scott in Ottawa on the C130 fleet. Great person, fun to be with….except on ski hills when the bus was awaiting, awesome to see this recognition!
Congratulations on being the first African-Canadian graduate out of RMC. I joined in 1976 when the military was heavily recruiting women, as mandated, and was at CFS Alert in 1981 when the first women were allowed to work in the North. I met a few who thought that as a woman, I did not belong, but most changed their minds.
Good on you for having a dream and pursuing it to completion, and then another, and another. Very humbled to be one of your RMC alumnus. Congratulations Scott on a lifetime of achievements.
M0478 Christine Fernie, CPA, CA (retired)
Scott and I were classmates, and the most memorable things about Scott were his openness, engaging personality and his ability to set people at ease with his wide, grinning smile and laughter even when he was only smiling on the outside. Look forward to seeing you at OPG6 this year.