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Congratulations to the hockey Paladins for the two victories over the weekend!
MATTHEW PINDER – RMC, HOCKEY – OUA Athletes of the Week
Fourth-year from forward from Calgary, Alta. helped the RMC Paladins to a 2-0 weekend record (14, 15 Oct) . Recorded two goals and one assist in their 4-3 win over York. Had one assist on the opening goal in a 3-2 victory over UOIT. Congratulations!
Weekend Scoreboard:
(W) Volleyball: Won 3-0 over Ryrson
Lost 3-1 UofT
(M) Volleyball: Lost 3-0 Ryerson
Lost 3-0 UofT
(M) Rugby: Lost 19-0 Waterloo
(M) Soccer: Lost 3-0 Laurentian
Lost 2-1 Nipissing
(W) Soccer: 1-1 tie with Laurentian
Won 2-1 over Nipissing
Hockey Exhibition: Lost 7-1 to Utica College (NCAA – D1)
OUA Hockey Standings
Rebecca Fielding on Assignment…
This week, I spoke with Cadet Wing Commander 25440 OCdt Landon Lavictoire. He is from Kirkland Lake, Ontario. Landon is studying Business Administration and will continue on to be an Artillery Officer upon graduation in May. As captain of the men’s hockey team, Landon has been instrumental in their successes in the last 4 years. The men’s hockey team had a huge opening weekend on October 14 and 15, as they came up with 2 wins and 4 points against Western and Ryerson to start their season off the right way.
Position: Center
One special memory you have from hockey is: The opportunity to strap on the pads two thirds of the way through a hockey game. I managed to stop all shots in regulation, overtime and a shootout to help earn RMC a win.
My most memorable game was: My first OUA hockey game
One thing people don’t know about me is: I had scaphoid surgery on my right arm
Biggest Fear: Dying
Hobbies: Basketball, Golf, Boating, many other sports and blackjack.
Future Aspirations: To serve my country and one day own my own restaurant.
Good luck to Landon and the rest of the men’s hockey team this season.
Show your support for the team as they travel to Nippissing and Ryerson on Oct 28 and 29, start times of 1900.
Thank you!
25249 OCdt (IV) Rebecca Fielding
Cadet Wing Sports Public Information Officer (CWSPIO)
The RMC Varsity Taekwondo team visited the old Downsview air force base in Toronto for its first competition of the year. It was a long 19-1/2 hour day but the team had great results with all competitors medalling on the day, the team finished with 7 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze medal. It was a great tune up leading into the teams first league competition of the year next weekend.
The team is hosting the first league competition in the Ontario University Taekwondo League at the RMC Sam gym from 0900 to 1800 on Saturday Oct 29.