
First Year @ RMC January 1950 – 3069 W.A. McColl

Jan. 01 – 1950: My report came today; I missed Calculus and Physics. Got 66% and stood 53rd in the class (111). Col Sawyer said it was an average report. I did best in English and History (5th and 12th). I’ll have to buck up in Math and Physics.

Jan. 05 – 1950: ‘Till today I’ve been working on the walls, plastering the joints. After a few days I’m getting the knack of it! This afternoon I went into the school and talked to some of the teachers. A lot of last year’s upper school is back. Walked Fran home.

Jan. 07 – 1950: At noon we had a luncheon at the 48th armouries. The ex-cadets played host and the food was excellent. Found out that I don’t like beer very much but I rather like rum and coke. The liquor flowed like water! Pete and Claire are living a rather Bohemian existence in a garret on Bedford. I went up to see them and Ken Casey was there too. Met Lucy Delaire on the streetcar later. He’s in Architecture. Rob Bourne is at Chorley Park and will have and operation soon. I had a lovely dinner at Fran’s and we went walking afterwards, fond farewells, etc… She gave me a pretty fair picture of herself, or rather I saw it and snaffled it under protest.

Jan. 08 – 1950: Bloody cold today! The car wouldn’t start and we missed Church. I went up and saw Lyan Thompson. Most of the wing was on the train and it was a good trip down. It’s good to be back at the College. We have new bureaus! I’m dead tired and I’m hitting the pit right now.

First – Week 1

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