17 Feb 52
Lt. Col Bannister gave us a dandy sermon this morning in the so called “little things”. He is a wonderful padre. Went swimming and got completely pooped out then went over to room 250 where they were showing a good movie called “School for Danger”- a British restricted film of two special agents who dropped into occupied France to organize sabotage rings.
18 Feb 52
The boxing finals were held tonight and there were some very good fights. I lost to Mothersill but I think I put up a good fight anyway. Lt. Slocomb came around to my room afterwards and said he thought it was a good show. The long and short of it was that Mothersill is a boxer and I’m not. Setten fought Griffin-Beale who is a husky brute and has bulled his way through the elimination by brute force rather than skill. Setten is a tall thin guy with some boxing sense. He took Griffin-Beale in both the novice and open events and it was a pleasure to see him; he got the Gold Cup for it.
19 Feb 52
This afternoon our Commerce 32 class went by bus to Gananoque to see through a small factory, Parmenter and Bulloch’s. It is unique because the employees own all the stock themselves. The President is the Gen Manager. There was a very good atmosphere in the plant; morale seemed to be very high. They say profits have jumped tremendously since the employees bought the firm in 1946.